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Did they get a hold of that imbecile operating a drone within the flight-path of the water-bombers causing damage to the slats and then some?
NC? Where's it? Oh the deplorables, lol. Yeah...Yes I did notice how Ca seems to be getting better support than NC!
climate is changing but it is natural variation, which is not following what co2 is doing.
Here is a reasonable look at the climate that few ever see or know about - worth the time to watch:There is NO crisis. Yes follow the money.
Do the math. They did not.
I am not a climate denier, I am a climate refuter.
Speculations, backed by computer models, is not science.
Consensus of the fooled, settles nothing.
Scientist believe -- is not proof of anything.
Carefully read their documents, it is a testament of their ignorance.
They ignore reality.
It is what they left out, that refutes their fairy tale.
Their climate theory's fail reality tests.
Co2 (at 10-6) does not have enough thermal mass to affect our climate temperature one bit.
They even admit this. "If we achieve net zero it will take many, many years for the climate to recover....."
Your bedroom goes from 400ppm to 2,000ppm co2, but the temperature does not rise by 16 degrees.....
You do not even notice unless you have a Co2 monitor like I do....
Oxygen and nitrogen do have a very significant conductive thermal contribution.
I use liquid nitrogen as a coolant at work.
Atmospheric heat rises and cools. Heat goes up and is lost, it can not radiate down.
Temperature drops 3.5 degrees per thousand feet.
Colder air above can not heat the earth.
Go outside with an infrared thermometer on a hot day and measure the ground temperature.
compare it to the air temperature. The ground is much hotter than the air.
now point it straight up and measure the sky temp, it will be cold or very cold....
When the sun goes down the air should drop to -60 degrees. But it does not.
The earth (top soil, a solid) stores significant excess heat from the sun.
Which re-radiates later at night to keep the air "warm".
The earth releases geothermal heat when it is cold.
The earth (soil and ocean) acts as a heat pump that keeps our climate stable.
This is the missing negative feedback system that keeps our climate from going out of control.
Their entire narrative only looks up and not down.
The leave out that geothermal energy, with the solar energy - which controls our climate.
Climate is changing but it is natural variation, which is not following what co2 is doing.
I am not a scientist, I am a retired instrumentation/test engineer.
Engineers work with reality.....
The wild fires have nothing to do with this nonsense.
It is really about other things.
I had the fire sweep through my town last month and I narrowly missed being a victim.
Several of my friends lost everything in these fires.
It is more about how we help each other pull through this.
Later it will be mud slides...
Yes I did notice how Ca seems to be getting better support than NC!
Not fair!
Let us go in the positive direction with this.
look forward not backward.
...nothing will change till you quit talking about climate change, insurance ratesWhether or not you believe in climate change you can be assured...
You know fellers, we can debate/hash/rehash/argue climate change/global warming ad nauseum.
What we should be doing is sending good thoughts and if you be of the mind, lifting up prayers for the folks out there that have lost everything.
And if you can, donating the Red Cross who seem to be trying to help those folks from what I understand.
From what I read some did not have fire insurance as it had been cancelled.
The celebrities will be fine - they'll just write another check.
But some folks who lived there are elderly or had inherited their parent's homes and they will not be able to rebuild because of the costs.
One feller ignored the evacuation, got a bigger hose and somehow managed to save his house and his neighbor's houses on either side.
His words 'This is all I've got - it was my parent's house. If it burned, I knew I'd never be able to afford to rebuild'.
And don't forget - while you are thinking/praying - about the folks in North Carolina who some are currently living in tents as they try to recover from Helene.
Here is a reasonable look at the climate that few ever see or know about - worth the time to watch:
24 people and 20 missing now.Last count (just watching LA News) there are four different fires. The problems is that there is "Old Growth" and with those winds, the fires are spreading very fast.
In one area of the Palisades fire, they had to use a bulldozer to move abandon cars out of the way, so the fire fighters could get into one of the areas to fight the fires. It's a total mess!
According to the reports they had this morning, Fire Fighting resources are spread very thin. Also, because of the high winds, they are not able to get the aircraft in the air to fight the fire with.
Really hard to watch the TV, showing the housing burning up.
So far, they have had two people killed.
My prayers go out to all those involved!
All of these areas are places I rode around at one time or another.
File a appeal, get it time stamped. I was declined twice and saw a judge the third time. U probably should have a lawyer. While i waited, it was all retrographic. I dont know the law nowIncompetence... my wife turns 65 soon and Saturday received two notification that her SS and Medicare are declined . Stunned and angry spent the rest of the day figuring out who to call and how to file a complaint. Monday another notification came stating she all approved. Must be dei.
By the way how's the hand?
Ha Ha. -- Midlife on your chart do notice that the bottom line is thousands of years.
Temp has been closely following the CO2 natural ppm variations for ages.
no one was around to make precision measurements back that far.
Current data shows that it does not track.
I think the red cross is taking donations.My church is working with local churches there to get local people some of the help they need.
Samaritan's Purse would be another great avenue to donate money.
Pray for LA Residents as California Wildfires Keep Burning
Samaritan’s Purse is poised to respond to the deadly blazes when local emergency management says it is safe to do
Another great choice to help others.I think the red cross is taking donations.
Is there any topic that doesn't descend into polarizing politics? Good thing tires are only come in one colour.
If you read "politics" in my post above, you were reading too much into it. My point was simply that if you want money to go to the people in need, be careful that you donate to a place that is really sending the money to the people in need...not somewhere else.Is there any topic that doesn't descend into polarizing politics? Good thing tires are only come in one colour.
ActBlue, which processes the donations, takes a 3.95 percent cut of every contribution, the New York Post reported.
This means thousands of dollars meant for fire victims could instead go to payment processing.
I would ask, is there any aspect of modern life that is NOT impacted by politics at some level?Is there any topic that doesn't descend into polarizing politics?