That's a great shot, Danny. Whoever holds the Tag following you is gonna have their work cut out for'em.
The gals of the Brenham, TX airport restaurant display the TAG boys.

The boys take a ride in Jeff's Piper Cub:

More pics on the Picasa link below:
The TAG BOOK signatures as best I could capture them...








The TAG is powerful and becoming more powerful with each personal sig entered and each mile it passes through.
A hundred or so more sig's at the Picasa link below...
I don't know how this STOC TAG beginings shot got missed....
Here is Terry displaying the Bag back on November 12th.
Adam Catt is to the left and is in the blue Stitch'.

I don't know if anyone got any more shots of Terry with the TAG? If so, please post them here.
At the Moonshine Banquet tonite, I handed off the Tag to Les Bishop AKA: Firstpeke.
He'll take it back to Scotland and points East.

Good luck with this jouney Les, and may the power of the TAG put wind in your sails as it did for me.
Congratulations on a great ride Danny - we laughed, we cried, we chewed our nails!!! Thank you for taking us along.

Thanks for following and for the comments everyone. The power of the TAG has to some extent, inspired this ride. Carrying this memorial has been not only a great honor, but a motivator to go a little further, a little longer and has been a catalyst to making critical connections with other riders and non riders. It's been a big part of the story maker.
When I was in a slump, the inscriptions in the book would lift my spirits.

I'm thinking of always riding with a travel book for people to sign. It's fun and functional.
Met these riders in Texas Hill Country. L to R Tom, Bill, Larry and John know Jeff and Lynne in Brenham.

The Mustangs Bronze in Dallas:

Joe, Fergy, Larry, Mike and Khris in the back row as Mike Turley signs. We are at the Kettle Campground in Eureka Springs, AR.

Moonshine Banquet.
The Tuttle's are the creators of the Moonburgers, the most delicious burger in the world...Hellen holds the TAGS and signed the book.

Tom from Missouri and Peter from Arizona:

...and my hand off and handshake with Les Bishop who will travel with the TAG to points on the other side of the pond. Les is from Scotland so this promises to be interesting.
Good luck Les !! We'll be watching.
It was great to meet Les at Moonshine. Too bad we don't have a SPOT to watch the further travels of the STOC Tag. Hope Les keeps the board updated regualrly on the travels of the fellas.
Les is a great guy and a perfect vehicle for the TAG to go even further before returning to Moonshine again next year.
Les told me at dinner Friday he is honored to have been chosen to carry the tag package to Urp. Expect he'll do a great job but Danny set a high STandard.

Thanks for all the great fotos and book entries, Danny.
Les if you are going to be at the Pan Gathering in August, and are ready to pass the Tag on, I can take it to southern Europe from there, then back to the states.

Well here I sit, just having gotten over a bad stomach bug and still having man 'flu......

Couldn't ride right now if I wanted to......

I took the tag along to our advanced riding group last week and got a couple of pictures but stupidly didn't follow the routine beautifully demonstrated previously by holding the tags in the picture.... sorry, will improve!

I won't be making the Pan Gethering in August but am about to start a thread on my-mc to see if we can get this tag travelling more than I could ever hope to!

Will try and get some pictures if I have recovered sufficiently at the weekend!

Any UK ST-ers want to participate and are reading this???? Let me know!

Thanks for the privilege of carrying this tag guys, I will do better!
Okay, so I felt a good bit better today and whilst in such a good mood...... I had some strawberry and rhubarb pie this afternoon that our Pastor brought over (he's from upstate New York by the way..).... so out for an all too brief ride to air the TAG!!!!

I am trying to attach a few pictures but keep getting a message saying I don't have permission to access that part of the forum..... I will work on it.....
Okay, I got the pictures uploaded to my gallery, but now the system is blocking me from linking to them.... don't know what the issue is but I'll get there eventually....

Okay, try this.....

Lazaretto point, Motomac may recognize this!



Loch Eck - picnic site, very peaceful...

Loch Eck picnic site opposite view, chainsaw carved otter...

Rest and be thankful 1

Rest and be thankful 2

Rest and be thankful 3 opposite direction view
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