Saturday Feb 22nd coffee


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
24 GL1800 Tour DCT A
More kicking house in the pot. You're welcome. Help yourselves if you wish.

Masks are at the door for those of you still under the weather. :)

-12/-16 and clear, headed to -4/-9 and sunny.

Working today a gazillion hours. Weeee.

Have a great Saturday all!

Good morning lady and gentlemen

There's fresh hot French roast coffee on hand for you to enjoy. Cream in the fridge, sugar in the cupboard should you feel the need to decorate your beverage.

It's 20°F but feels like 17 in Rockville, which suggests the lightest of breezes may be stirring. Supposedly it's clear but all I see is dark. The high may get to a moderate 41, and possibly close to 60 by next Wednesday. Woo hoo!

I believe I've turned the corner in my struggle against whatever microorganism has made me miserable, or at least significantly uncomfortable, since returning home last Monday. Unfortunately it has seemingly moved to the other side of the bed; Mrs. Fun is now suffering the same symptoms I had in the early phases. She will no doubt blame me for it and that may be true, but she's also attended several large group functions and been generally busy busy busy since our return so there's a chance it wasn't me. Not that it matters: she's got The Crud and must now cope, somehow.

I've decided to wait for a couple months before replacing our computers. They work fine, are still under support until October, and there's other things to do with the money, that take priority. At the top of that list is getting the plane tickets for our June trip to Hawaii. Egads that's costly.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
good morning all. thanks Obo for the coffee. 45F on the dog walk with stars and a few clouds to enjoy. well here it is Saturday and I have no plans for the day. I'm sure that will change once my wife gets up and has had cup or two of coffee. the high should be 75F. enjoy the day.
@ibike2havefun No worries. It's always great to have a 2nd cup, and a choice, so thank you sir for yours!

As for passing the crud, just apologize in case it was you. While you'll never know, it's still the better play.

As for renumberation, it's double time... but getting up at 4am was kind of sucky on a Saturday, as is losing one of two weekend days.
Wonder if @Mellow has some type of automated script that runs to merge duplicate coffee threads into one... unless he burns the early candle too..

BTW Mellow, like the new avatar.
Nah, been an early riser since grade school. I was either ready at 5am to get a ride to school or I walked, I was a lazy kid. Then it stuck, maybe when I retire I can reprogram myself but I doubt it.
Good night(morning ),still haven't gotten any sleep today , went to bed at 2 am not sleeping at all, teach me for taking my Dexamethasone (steroid pills),or going to the Pub for Steak and prawns special last night. A nap later today is on the agenda, and dinner out with family to Celebrate my 65th birthday ,am I that old? Me demand a recount, Think going to lie to myself and say 25 with 40 years experience at it.
Weather at 3 in the morning who cares? Cheers G
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start @Obo. And Keith, for backing him up.

It's 17f/-8c here in MA this morning, under a partly sunny sky.
It'll rise to 34f/1c later, and it'll be mostly sunny.

I managed a trip to the gym, yesterday, then packed the truck with "stuff".
Dropped our old towels and a few blankets off at the Animal Rescue League, some vases and kitchen things off to ReStore, and some old clothes off at one of the local recepticals for that.
Brenda and I did an early dinner, and retired back home.
I was up until 1:30, reading my latest book, but had to stop as I was getting to the good part.

Today, I'll do a bit of shopping for a birthday present for the now 2 year old next door.
I'll go to his birthday party, while Brenda goes to a luncheon for her sister, who's also celebrating a birthday.

@St-Gerard , have a happy Birthday! :birthday:
Patty, I hope your dentist visit went well, and the pain's not too bad.

Enjoy the day,
Thx Obo and Keith for the double pepper upper!

8˚c/46f, 30mph wind, wet, gloomy, woolerish except for the beer prices.

Been for a wet walk.
I hope nothing is happening later.

Yesterday afternoon I cleaned my ironhorse and found a bottle of nice italian red wine in one saddlebag, thus the cleaning took a bit longer than usual.

Happy birthday @St-Gerard !

Have a good one!

Wet and grey upphill today

Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and refill, Obo and Keith!

It's a beautiful, sunny morning here, but it seems we'll have 2 bouts of snow today: one from about 2 to 6 pm, and another from 9 pm through to tomorrow morning. I don't think the accumulation should be too major, we'll see. Today's temperature range: -14°C/7°F (feels like -20°C/-4°F) to -3°C/27°F (will feel like -9°C/16°F).
The doc seemed happy with how things looked and the way the surgery went yesterday, so that's good. The best thing I can say about it is that it went fairly fast; took about 40 minutes. I'll spare you the details; suffice it to say that it wasn't pleasant. Nope. No, sir. The good news, though, is that it's done, I slept OK last night and the pain is under control. Fist pump.

@St-Gerard: Happy Birthday! Enjoy your dinner tonight!

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning all!
Thanks for the start men! We’re blessed!
Birthday wishes to St-Gerard :birthday:

Here’s hoping Patty gets all fixed up soon too!

We have our park golf cart poker run here today, four of us are doing a Hawaiian theme at our stop. Lots & lots of alcohol and food at each check point!
Our girls are wearing grass skirts, I’ll have a flowered shirt!
It will be a fun event, apparently well received every year!

61/76 some sun then turning cloudy with an ENE breeze!
Enjoy your Saturday!
We have our park golf cart poker run here today, four of us are doing a Hawaiian theme at our stop. Lots & lots of alcohol and food at each check point!
Our girls are wearing grass skirts, I’ll have a flowered shirt!

You need to have this playing somewhere in the background:

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