Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start
@Obo. And Keith, for backing him up.
It's 17f/-8c here in MA this morning, under a partly sunny sky.
It'll rise to 34f/1c later, and it'll be mostly sunny.
I managed a trip to the gym, yesterday, then packed the truck with "stuff".
Dropped our old towels and a few blankets off at the Animal Rescue League, some vases and kitchen things off to ReStore, and some old clothes off at one of the local recepticals for that.
Brenda and I did an early dinner, and retired back home.
I was up until 1:30, reading my latest book, but had to stop as I was getting to the good part.
Today, I'll do a bit of shopping for a birthday present for the now 2 year old next door.
I'll go to his birthday party, while Brenda goes to a luncheon for her sister, who's also celebrating a birthday.
@St-Gerard , have a happy Birthday!

Patty, I hope your dentist visit went well, and the pain's not too bad.
Enjoy the day,