Saturday Feb 22nd coffee

Good morning again, thanks for the birthday wishes, breakfast was delicious, shared with Precious and Princess and Star. Last night's dinner of Steak and prawns and Vegetable beef soup,which was delicious too, cleared stomach so I could have breakfast. Still dark outside, Sun rise at 7:06 according to iPhone, temp 8 C /46 F highs of 11 C / 51 F , Cloudy and wet , plus windy, gusting 20 mph which means 20 mph all day, from the south east. At least no shoveling.
Yesterday took my Dodge Van, wife had the car, time for a new battery,labored to start, fortunately it did, fine for the rest of the day. Turned on the wipers and found out the passenger side was ripped, so replaced it with one of the old ones I hadn't thrown out. But Gad were they ever noisy.First stop Lordco parts store for New ones , shop price $17.90 for Bosch, oh yeah piece and quiet,and it's a Miracle I can see! Second stop Mark's Work Wear House, no one piece rain suits , but did get a nice pair of driving gloves,in grey with thinsulate and most important that FIT!
Oh yeah, why did I bring up the Van subject, Battery is 12 years old, that is a record for me, impressive for a Walmart battery.
Patty wishing you speedy healing. Thanks All for Coffee and birthday wishes, Gerard
Keith and Obo are battling it out for the First Come, First Served challenge, and late as I am (at frickin' 0830?!?! that's now late!?!?) I'll add the Black Rifle, even though I don't think either pot has been on long enough to stand up a spoon.

This one will have to be short, so much to read and Like this early, but I'm going to the Home and Garden Show back at the Civic Center again today. I won 4 tickets on the radio, and promised the extras to my coworkers. We need to sign some more clients. Guess I'll take the car, even though I could ride in the cold this morning, I don't want to have to walk around all day toting my riding gear, nor do I want to lock it all on the bike. (The GSA has soft luggage, but no locks yet.)

I tried but failed, apparently a quote by George Bernard Shaw is considered inappropriate.
That's ok, I found some very funny quotes by our Louisiana senator John Kennedy (no, not THAT John Kennedy!). I'll share one of many:

Always follow your heart.....but take your brains with you.
– Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy
You need to have this playing somewhere in the background:
I was thinking more like, Jimmy Buffet, but that's ok if you want to be a contrarian. But you still can't be like me, and the world's better for it.
Time to scoot, you're lucky I'm in a hurry today.

Happy Birthday, @St-Gerard. I'll second your nap idea. It's (almost) always a good plan, except when you're riding.
A little late this morning for coffee (thanks all who put a pot on) but it is desperately needed! This morning my Keruig machine growled, hissed, popped and then dribbled a few drops of coffee into the cup before stopping - apparently for good. THE ABSOLUTE HORROR!! Fortunately there was a drip machine hiding in the cupboard that came to the rescue.
About 14F this morning, likely heading to 30F later under sunny skies. I hope it will melt the 6-foot snow banks along the driveway!
Later today will be a trip to the store for a new Keruig and stopping by the Girl Scout booth for my year's supply of cookies. Gotta have my Thin Mints!

Be safe, be careful and always have a coffee backup!

Morning all! Grey and wet and will remain so for the rest of the day. It's 7C, feels like 3C apparently and we will get up to 10C.

Awaiting instructions from Command Authority as to what we are going to be doing today. Possibly a visit to our daughter who had her wisdom teeth out yesterday. Definitely a bit of straightening up and decluttering. Funny how stuff gets away from you during the week. Also, no doubt the daily vacuum of voluminous amounts of dog fur. Got to keep on top of it lest it combine and become sentient. At some point, a nap, critical recharging.

Happy Birthday St-Gerard, hope it's a great one!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning all.......

Thanks for the kickin horse.......

And happy birthday to our resident St....!!!!!!

It's just another Saturday...... What to do, what to do. Ski hill is getting warm, snow level going to almost 6000 feet this weekend with rain predicted.

Where's the couch........ Ah, that'll do.

Have a day, T
Morning Obo & All from cold, but sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 35F, up from 15F, of three hours ago, and heading for 54F. No breeze yet, but later, we'll see the winds from the NNW @ 6 to 8mph. The Weather guessers are saying we could see temps up to 68F by Monday & Tuesday! And stay in the 60Fs until the end of them month. Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it! :well1:

I continued my searching for parts for the rebuild and found a few more. So I've gone through the list and now I need to order what I don't have. :unsure:

Chris's Sisters should be here tomorrow and they be on their way to LA for the week. And with temps in the upper 60Fs, you know what that means! Maybe I'll have to see what kind of a day trip I can do! :dr13: :hat3:

Eggs, bacon, toast & OJ to start the morning. Pepsi(s) will be had sometime today.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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