Finally got some WiFi going for a quick addition to yesterdays adventure and our toe into Myanmar.
The border town of Ban Ruk Thai is like no other I've ever encounted. Like a mini Chinatown, it sits quietly on a tranquil lake under the frontier mountains.
It's main industry is apparently Tea and importing Chinese and Myanmar Candies, dried fruit and chotchskies.
TIP, can you translate this sign for us?
Here is VT Dans slow healing burn wound from dropping his scooter on his leg. I gave him some anti bacterial ointment with zinc and some gauze which he said helped.
All our waterproof boots were in over the top just before arriving so at a very late lunch stop we set socks and boots out to dry.
Here are the very freindly border guards who apparently haven't read the news that there is fighting in Myanmar near the Thai border.
I am thumbing this as we wait for George to get here from his and Dace's separate adventure.
VT. Dan got his phone back.
Smash, I got an S load of video. I am tempted to post it all raw to cheap out on having to spend hours and maybe days editing it. If a viewer were patient, they will get choice footage and choice words inadvertently blurted out.
Not sure if there is much interest in this much raw riding footage though...
Droid S 3 & TT2