• Start with a City beginning with A
    • This is BY STATE
    • Similar to the Tag contest, there will be one thread per state
    • Post a picture of your bike AND some sign, building etc which clearly shows the city/state you're in
    • The next person posts from a city with the name beginning with B, then C, D, etc
    • You can't posts back-to-back pics, you have to wait for a person to post the next city
    • Once Z is reached, the game starts over with A
    • If your state doesn't have a city beginning with the next letter in sequence, it's okay to skip that letter
    • If the location sits for more than one month, the person that posted that is open to move it to the next letter.

    The World Wide game is a bit different as it is by whatever is considered a geographic type of regional category, state/province/village etc. and all those will be in the single World Wide A-Z topic.

ON: A-Z (Round 10)

Nice cool day, started out at 7C.... didn't want to wimp out and zip down the road 20 minutes to get the H, so rode to Milton and beyond.... hmmmm, seems they have removed the signs now that they've widened out Steeles Avenue, where'd they go... rode back and forth, and these are what I got, even rode into Hornby Park, no sign, and it's all graded over like we're gonna build some houses..... then went north through the village, they even took down the one on the north side of town, and the golf course was closed for the season..... this is the price of progress, Hornby's history will be lost eventually. So............... do I get an H for all my Hefforts20221112_122234 (Large).jpg20221112_122234 (Large).jpg20221112_123131 (Large).jpg20221112_123204 (Large).jpg20221112_122446 (Large).jpg?
Thanks for the suggestion. Here’s the “Y”. I didn’t stop at the Home Baking Shop.
Edit: I thought I posted this yesterday, but apparently not. It was from my phone, so I probably didn't hit the post button.
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