Need Help. What would you do? Surging and power loss

The REAL end of story. To all those that helped so much I owe a FINAL report in this posting. Shortly after I posted the bike for sale, I found a local mechanic with good reviews and I decided to see if he could fix it. Bottom line, it was the ignition system as many of you suspected. and he ended up putting on new coils and HT leads and essentially working through everything I tried. As careful as I was evidently I didn't get it good enough. He made the repair and the bike runs GREAT since he did this last summer. I have been logging thousands of miles and enjoying the Colorado high country. I'm so glad that the bike did not sale and very happy about everyone's encouragement on this forum.
19 months to wait for the end of the story?
At least there's an end, and a good one. Thanks @ScottyG for circling back to wrap this up!
Although I'll confess... And i haven't lost a minute of sleepin', worryin' 'bout the way things might have been.
And goodness knows, I have a long-running project or seven, in my own life.
Just ask @Obo because he's keeping score for me.
(Insert laughing emoji here.)
Good job on repairs!!! So glad you didn't have to dump bike!

Were you able to get any details on what garage did to fix?
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