My BMW is about as "modern" as they get and I can do all that without having to "phone home".
I just "knew" that this was going to turn into a BMW advertisement...
And FYI was I referring exactly
at BMW with that; you need a certified BMW dealer, with a certified BMW dongle, running a certified BMW program on a certified computer, with a secured online connection to Berlin HQ for placing your "authentication request", so some nerd can check a box, for the onboard computer in you vehicle to release the ABS valves & modulators, f.i.n.a.l.l.y. enabling that fluid change, permitting a reset of the oil change alarm/reminder, or allowing to "train" that ECU to the new starter battery, which of course also must be a certified OEM BMW battery, logged serial number and everything...
By now quite a number of MFG's are running a pretty similar business model... forcing consumers to overpriced
certified shops and dealerships...
The consumer's "right to repair"? pah!...
Maybe you need a Garmin? The Zumo XT won't give you directions till it synchs with the satellites, but it doesn't create havoc.
Dang! Quite interestingly I
do have a Garmin...

A '04 Garmin Quest-I to be precise, still serving f.l.a.w.l.e.s.s.l.y. ...

Apparently was this (aside the SP3) pretty much the last series they did properly...
Zumos?!!! pffff...

Actually exactly the units I condemn... way too many flaws, mostly caused by way too many "features" embedded, over-complicated, only trouble...
Just this fall, friend's Zumo 396 fully seized up only 5 minutes into the ride, again!... my Quest? Steady as a Swiss watch...
Those XT's?! Notorious for trashing loaded routes, RUT errors, boot-loops, DOA`s... the forums are full of sob stories...
XT2's only marginally better... Garmin refuses coverage, offers clients refurbed replacement units for a generous fee of € 130,-... plus having to pay the shipment for both ways...
My plain, old Quest (recalculate on [off] naturally) simply doesn't care if I'm 500 meters or 5 kilometers off the loaded route when opening it, it also doesn't care if I leave a running route for refueling, food, sightseeing, etc... once I thread back into that bearing line it just ticks on, without insisting to navigate back to the starting point or such... ever...
I don't know about a NT1100, but again the BMW TFT adjusts for the lighting conditions. Never had a problem getting GPS reception either. Is this Internet rumors?
NC, NX, Africa, NT1100, etc... all have that flat surface screen that turns into one glaring surface when a particular angle to the sun occurs...
And the impact on GPS reception, well, read for yourself...
Hallo XT2-Besitzer, bevor ich mein XT verkaufe und auf XT2 umsteige, wüsste ich gerne, ob das XT2 auf Störstrahlungen von Motorrad-TFT-Displays genauso empfindlich reagiert (siehe Zumo XT verliert Satellitenempfang bei eingeschalteter Zündung des…
Hallo Freunde, ich muss hier leider ein Thema wieder hervorkramen, dass wohl vor ein paar Jahren hier schon mal eines war. Ich fahre ja eine Triumph Tiger 1200 mit Keyless Go und TFT Display (Baujahr 2018). Vor Kurzem bin ich vom Zumo 660 auf das XT…