KY: Tag

I love Kentucky, so it wouldn't take much to get me down there...I moved the KY tag last year after it sat forever. Nice job on the chain tag!
Hey it was a fun day but I got all my kicks on route 66. well I guess it isn't really route 66 but I got my kicks there
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No, but on a 3 day weekend I could have had a nice ride down and back. It doesn't take much of an excuse to get me to Kentucky...I rode a KLR down to go camping for 3 nights one weekend a few years ago.
OK next three day weekend you get KY and IN are less than 20 mi. apart and pretty nice roads too.Actually less than 10
How about a hint on this and maybe we can get it moving again now that the weather is good once more. Could this be around Hawsville, Ky?

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I found where that tag is supposed to be but there is a giant storm in between me and it. I didn't even realize we had a KY tag!
Weather cleared up today so I was able to snag my first tag
37.966592, -86.851071

The new one is one of my favorite places that I wish more people knew about.
Weather cleared up today so I was able to snag my first tag
37.966592, -86.851071

The new one is one of my favorite places that I wish more people knew about.

My father worked at the office building across the street from the actual distillery for 10 years. It is kind of heart breaking to see it all falling down.
My father worked at the office building across the street from the actual distillery for 10 years. It is kind of heart breaking to see it all falling down.

I was standing on the stairs of that building when I took this pic

I agree that this is such a shame! What a loss of KY history. That is why I wanted to tag it. I found this place by accident about 10 years ago. It was in much better shape back then. The brick warehouse next to the office was still intact back then, now its gone and all the bricks sold off. What a waste!
Taylor, Crow and Granddad, all run by National Distillers, were big employers in Woodford County in the 50's and 60's. Union Wages that were big time during that time period. My dad left in 1967, and went from paying whiskey tax to collecting it! By the early 80's (I think) it was all shut down. This site contains an interesting bit of history.
I'll be thru Louisville next week but won't have time for a side trip to snag the tag. Certainly didn't take it long to move after I gave a clue.
I would've moved it sooner but I didn't know we had one here. I almost started one myself. Your hint let me know we had one to go get. You should definitely move it so I can go get it again!
Taylor, Crow and Granddad, all run by National Distillers, were big employers in Woodford County in the 50's and 60's. Union Wages that were big time during that time period. My dad left in 1967, and went from paying whiskey tax to collecting it! By the early 80's (I think) it was all shut down.

My Sister-in-law had a great job working for them at the HQ in Louisville back in the 80's.

We had a great time finding this tag. It's really is a shame these great old buildings are going to ruin.
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Here is the new tag.....I don't think you can read the sign in the picture, so here's what it says "Laurel Gorge Cultural Heritage Center"
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Great ride getting to this tag, glad you included the pic of the bridge. Not sure I would've found it otherwise.
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