KY: Tag

DARN....this Hoosier was going to cross the bridge and move the KY tag, but I think main street is closed due to THUNDER over Louisville today. Might still take a trip over and check it out....because I have a good idea where to place the next tag :) Stay tuned.
Hope this works. Thunder Over Louisville has had it's air show cancelled due to high winds.It is Paradise when 800,000 line the banks of the Ohio River to watch 60 tons of fireworks after watching a 7 hour air show. Not this year, but this tag is "almost" paradise !


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Wow...I'll have to talk to my friend Matt...he's the VP of Events for the Kentucky Derby Festival...all of the KDF events, including Thunder, are his doing...having to cancel it is a MAJOR deal.

Grats on moving it though...hope the trend continues!

Gilly you are really keeping the tags alive but I thought that paradise was gone. Thought Mr. Peabody done hauled it away.
"They paved paradise" but only the parking lot. The cafe is still there and doing booming bidness.

Gilly, wasn't sure which side of the sign you shot, so I got'em both:
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...and the cafe:

Two possibilities for the new tag, either or both satisfies the rules. I pretty sure Churchhill Downs has been used before, but with the race in less than two weeks...

Second one is an old house undergoing renovation along US Route 60 a little fartheer west. I have a couple hint pics if needed:

I'm poSTing from the McD's in Van Buren, MO this morning, site of the current MO tag. Soon's I find a good replacement, I'll post that too.

On a tag trip this week. Watch for more.
yeah, but I got a big mouth. SPOTZ Bruced me on MO because he already had the pics, had just forgotten to post when he got home from Moonshine. My bragging this morning reminded him. :(

But it's all good. I got KY, IL, and AR. :D
I saw that....too bad! I try to give no hint that I'm moving a tag until I post both locations. I don't want to get "bruced"! It almost happened when I moved the NH tag- my wife suggested I wait to post until i got home, because I had poor cell service there. Well I finally found a place to upload from...and 30 mins after I posted, ScubaDave was there to move the tag I had just moved!

Well...1st of all... I was given mis-information. Although the weather delayed/altered the airshow, it was NOT cancelled. I can attest to that due to a refueling tanker flying over out house ! Nice tag George. I'm wondering if you ever get back to Az (lol) ? If I knew you were going to be around here for a while I would have envited you to lunch :)
I have seen this house on a bike outing. It's amazing when you are out in the middle of BFE and then you come upon a huge house like that. It's one that needs to be saved from falling down.
Gilly, thanks for the lunch idea, but I never know which way I'm gonna go on a given day. Hard to plan much unless it's a planned event. I'll be back to the midwest in June but, again, don't know what route I'll be riding. BTW, my phone number is on the RAN list, anyone following my travels (SPOT) feel free to call at any time. I don't always catch the ring right away but I'll get back to ya eventually.

Folks, Raymond from Kansas asked me directly for the current TAG info, so I'm adding the "hint" picture here as well. He's looking for Indiana, too, so expect him in yur area soon. :D.

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Nice place for a ride George. I didn't realize I would see the river and across to Indiana (?) while there. The old tag was the Holt house.

New tag just be sure the bike is still in KY. (at Fort Campbell).



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Time for KY to move 104_3949 (Large).JPG the new one should be very easy too104_3950 (Large).JPG104_3951 (Large).JPG


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Sunday was a great day to ride. We decided we would ride somewhere we had not been and made the KY tag our destination for lunch. After a meal of catfish and all the fixins we headed East on 260 over to US 431 and South to Russellville. Here we picked up Hwy 100 and headed East to Tompkinsville and the site of the new KY tag.
Hwy 100 is a great rd. with little or no traffic that winds through miles of corn fields, open farm country, swamps, rolling hills and a few steep ones. Rolled into the driveway with 400 miles on the clock...nice ride!:D


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Someone needs to go get this tag, it's getting a little lonely. I imagine it would be a pretty ride up and around there this time of year.
There is always the Monroe County Super Marble Dome to visit in nearby Tompkinsville.
Bump, hopefully to create a little interest.
I was up in this area over the weekend, lots of great rds on both sides the TN/KY line in this locale.
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