Hesitant in writing this

Brad, sounds like things are progressing ok but still sending all of you thoughts and prayers.
Another round of chemo has come and gone. Alex continues to progress but he was slightly below where he needed to be on his blood work, but the went through and gave him the chemo anyway. This time he did get very nauseated but that passed in a few hours. After his next chemo session they will do a PET Scan to see what progress has been made. He has many tumors in his chest and diaphragm area and the PET Scan will show what has happened to them. Hopefully all will be good.

This is a critical juncture as this does not change the number of chemo treatments but may require adjustment to the chemo itself.

So other than this all is good for the moment. Thanks to everyone for all of your support during these trying times.
Well Alex had another great day of chemo. All of his blood work is back up beyond where it should be. This is good. He didn't get sick like last time and he went to a Yoga class in the evening. Although he did get tired and fell asleep during class. Oh well he must have need the shut eye.

It seems that food before and after chemo helps a lot with how he feels and some form of exercise the same day and the following days really help.

June 23rd he goes in for his PET Scan and the 24th he gets the results prior to his next chemo treatment. So all is good and moving forward as expected.

This whole process though really stresses me. Time for a stress reliever a ride is in order.
Well it is Wednesday again and Alex had another good chemo session today plus he got the results of yesterday's PET scan. A big thumbs up not perfect but very good results. He is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Well Alex is almost done with his chemo treatments. The last couple he has done pretty well but now the end is here at least for the chemo. August 5th will be his last session and then on to 20 radiation sessions. Oh man what a journey for Alex and us. So long story short is that all tumors accept for a hand full have gone back to normal size and that was as of a month or so ago. So his next steps I mentioned above. But like anything else in life there is always the rest of the story.

So initially all of his cancer treatments were covered by Medicaid. Well that was until he was cancelled because he made to much money. As an interim he received what is called a scholarship from the hospital to cover care while he got his health insurance squared away. He went through the process had his hours cut at work and now he has been denied Medicaid well for the same reason he makes to much. He is now receiving bills that he cannot pay and that Medicaid typically would have covered. Big bills like $5k per chemo session.

He has gone back to work now full time but still has to wait for that full time status to kick in before he can apply for medical insurance through his work. On man the never ending battle with health care. A guy tries to do the right thing and work for a living only to find out is better to not work all the time and then have the rug pulled out because he makes to much which is now just enough to live on, maybe.

Luckily his spirits are up an his outlook on his future life is really good, but the moment is not helping. So in the original post I included a link to a GoFundMe account that his friend setup for him. And he and us appreciate the generosity of all of those that have donated to help. This is a difficult thing to do for me, but with the latest status of his health insurance I am afraid that we must call out again. Please see the link below. Thanks again.

Well the final chemo treatment is complete. Anita and I spent this last week with Alex. Wednesday was his last chemo session and a small but enjoyable party was thrown. The nurses danced and sang and Alex had to dance, but he just doesn't move his feet to dance. This is a genetic thing. Nobody from this family dances.

So he meets with the radiation doctor on the 18th, gets a final PET scan on the 19th and a review on the 19th all in preparation for his radiation sessions to begin shortly after.

And interestingly enough the hospital came through with another "scholarship" to cover is medical bills. They told him to just keep applying for them. It sounds like every patient is eligible for these scholarships but very few take advantage of them.

So at he moment he is in great spirits and is ready for things to get done so that he can get back on track with his life.

Thanks again to all of your support on this site.
Such good news Brad, glad that you and Anita were there to help him celebrate. Now wishing him all the good vibes during the radiation. I know from Carole's breast cancer, the radiation was taxing on the body.
Well the final PET Scan was done today on Alex and the discussion took place with his doctor. At this moment it looks like he is cancer free. WOW this is the good news. But, there is always a but isn't there, they have identified some other things that showed up that were not there before, but the believe they are from his chemo drugs and now they must wait and see. Hopefully they are shooting for next week to start his radiation treatments. 20 days worth. 5 days on 2 days off. And then we wait 6 months and then another PET Scan. But we must be careful with those now too because he is reaching his radiation limit.

But good news for now.

On another note a very good friend of mine Tim, that I have known since high school had Prostate surgery today. When I spoke with him on Monday it sounded like his trip to Billings for the annual BMW rally may have been his last ride as the cancer is in very advanced stages. I am sure he would appreciate your thoughts.

So here is a link for the Stupid Cancer Motorcycle Club. An organization to help research cancer.

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Encouraging words Brad. Still keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Radiation will be brutal. He'll get very tired. I know when Carole was going through her radiation treatments for breast cancer, she would get tired after the treatments.
Great news Brad! How wonderful it must have been for all of you to hear those magic words "cancer free!" I'm sending Alex positive thoughts to help him through the radiation phase.
Thoughts also going out to your friend Tim.

So it has been a month since the last report on Alex's recovery and fight with Hodgkin's. Today was his last radiation treatment. At the moment he has a clean bill of health. He is back on his way to leading a normal life. Wow what a journey. I cannot believe the courage it took for him to go through this.

The next step is to wait until December to get his final PET Scan. those results will tell the rest of the story. But for now everything is a big thumbs up.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and encouragement through this ordeal.

Time for a couple of celebratory beers, well maybe tonight.
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