Hesitant in writing this

Jul 24, 2011
Hereford, AZ
2020 Moto guzzi V85T
It has taken some time to get my thoughts together about what if anything I wanted to write. Anita and I have never reached out for anything in our 33 years together, but sometimes in life we must change.

Five weeks ago we learned that our oldest son Alex who is 30 was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkin?s Lymphoma. Like Alex we were devastated, especially not knowing anything about this disease. Also he is 1000 miles away so have physical support for him is difficult, but I think we will make it to see him mid-March.

Hodgkin?s Lymphoma is a 100% curable disease but the path to get there will be hard. As some say the cure is worse than the disease. As parents it is very difficult to see anything happen to our kids, so your thoughts are appreciated by us and him.

This last Wednesday Alex had is first of 12 chemo treatments over the next six months. As he is finding out there are side effects headaches and nausea, both of which make it difficult to work, although he is pushing through that for now.

It appears that his entire medical is covered through his health insurance program, but his day to day living expenses may cut him short if he cannot continue to work. It is interesting how social media works. So last Wednesday Alex made a post on Facebook to let his friends know what is going on. His best friend from college Mallory, put together something called GoFundMe. This is a social media fund raising site for just about anything. She has put a goal of $10,000 as a Rainy Day Fund for Alex to help him through the next six plus months.

So a couple of things if you would, give some good thoughts for Alex to make a complete recovery, look at GoFundMe link and maybe make a donation or you will see his address there maybe drop him a card. Also if you would make a little note that you are part of ST-Owners.com forum. Since he knows none of you I am sure he would like to know how you found out about his situation.

Anita and I thank all of you for your support during these trying times.

Brad, I understand your hesitation at sharing this very personal...and life-changing...news, but I'm glad you did. The support your family will get from Alex's network of friends and from this extended family we call ST-Owners will go far in helping him to get well again. Whether it comes from a belief in a higher power or not, prayer/positive thinking is a powerful thing.
You're absolutely right about non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - it is curable and Alex will beat this.

Back in 2001, Saku Koivu, the captain of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team at the time, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's. Saku was (and still is) much loved by everyone in Montreal, even among non-hockey fans. Needless to say, the experience was hard on him; Saku is a private person but as a public figure, his ordeal was very much in the news. He and his family were flabbergasted at the outpouring of good wishes and support they received from far and wide. The treatment was rough, but he made a full and complete recovery and is hale and healthy today. His story is inspiring and I thought it would be good to share it with you and Alex - here it is. http://www.habsworld.net/SakuKoivu_02.php

I will hold you and Alex in my thoughts as you all go through this. My best wishes are with you for a full and complete recovery. Please keep us abreast of how he's doing.

Gosh Brad so sorry to read about your son, thoughts and prayers sent from Sharon & I, best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery for Alex.

Ed & Sharon
Maggie and I are adding our prayers for Alex's full recovery. Please keep us posted on his progress. One of our family members is getting ready to start chemo and radiation treatments. A tough process to be sure.

Brad, I'm at a loss for words my friend. Please know that Carole and I will keep you, Anita, and your son, Alex, in our continued thoughts and prayers. We'll also look at the link and make a donation.
The power of prayer and postitive thought are not to be underestimated. I know....and from recent experience! You guys and your son have my support.
Alex will be in my prayers, his medical team, and for you both Brad and Anita. The toll on a parent is often not realized when a child suffers--may you two have peace and strength in this time.
We were able to talk with Alex last night. Finally he is feeling better from his first chemo treatment, he goes for round two on Wednesday next week. At least Anita and I will be there for this round.

So in talking with Alex he is overwhelmed by the out pouring of people reaching out to him. From people he sees daily to those to whom he has not spoken with in some time and then those who he does not know at all, such as the folks here on this forum. He is somewhat in shock as to how people reach out to someone they don't know. So again thank you to all of you.

As of the writing of this note the GoFundMe site that his friend set up is a 32.25% of the goal in three days. That is absolutely amazing. I am blown away at the people that have donated to his cause. Thanks again for that too.

We will have another update later in the week or next.
Good to hear Brad, when you & Anita get there...give Alex a hand shake & hug from me and tell him he continues to be on our prayer list...

Best, Ed
I'm happy to donate and will pray for Alex. Great to see people come together like this. Thanks for posting.
Brad, so glad that you and Anita can be there for him during this trying time. Tell Alex to 'hang tough' for us. A little hug from us too?
Thanks for the update Brad. I'm happy Alex is feeling better and glad you'll be with him for the next round.
And what wonderful news about the site! :)
Yup, there are good people out there.

We're all here pulling for ya,Prayers for a full recovery for Alex.
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