Have I told you how much I love Riding Colorado?

Well, It is not Colorado. Just sitting here the day after Thanksgiving and reminiscing about my Euro Alps trip this past summer. I am very thankful that I was able to make this excursion, as it was a blast. Looking forward to riding the Alps again in a year or so. Gotta save up some funds again. Here are a few more pictures.


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Another bike we don’t get here. I’ll bet it was a fun bike to ride.
I sure do like my Tiger 800. One of the most fun bikes I have ever had.

I am sorry, I ment a F800GS Great little bike. Small and nimble enough for the hundreds of switchbacks that we rode, and powerful enough for passing on the narrow crowded twisty roads that we rode. Frame was large enough that I did not feel cramped and the bike was comfortable and balanced well. It's looks are not the most pleasing but that did not matter, as I was not looking at the bike much. Too many other beautiful things and scenery to look at.
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I'm pretty sure my brother-in-law and a friend of his took me on the Waldon run. Ate at a nice steak house? there. Long day. Did that in Aug. Riding in the park was awesome!!! Up on top (12000') point, the nads were crawling up in me. The vastness of the Rockies was mind blowing!! :D
I LOVE riding Colorado! Trailered the ST out to Denver in July and then made some nice day-trips around the area while the wife hung-out with the grand kids. First took a little run down to Colorado Springs and back up thru Deckers...

Then it was up to Grand Lake to stay for a few days, via the "Peak to Peak" route and thru the Rocky Mountain Natl Park...

And last, I made a full-day run out to Walden, then over to Fort Collins and back thru the RM Natl Park to Grand Lake - what a beautiful ride!

Unfortunately, now I'm spoiled (its like skiing in the Rockies and then going home and try to get excited about skiing in Michigan - just not the same)
I'm pretty sure my brother-in-law and a friend of his took me on the Waldon run. Ate at a nice steak house? there. Long day. Did that in Aug. Riding in the park was awesome!!! Up on top (12000') point, the nads were crawling up in me. The vastness of the Rockies was mind blowing!! :D

Great routes, all of them. Have ridden them multiple times. I did not make it over TrailRidge this year, nor did I get up to the top of Mt. Evans. I usually make those ride at least once a year. Going to have to do better in 2018. Your first route down 83 and back up 67 is one of my regular runs. It is my Famous "German Bakery Run".
Today was probably the last ride I am going to get to take this year. The high temp for today was 61degrees with the morning temps at about 43 when I left the house. Too cold and snowy in the High Country, too much gravel and possible ice in the shadows up in the Foothills to ride West, so I stayed East of the city, in the flats.I wanted to test my heated gear on the Little Gray Bike (VX300) and see if the stator would keep up with the demand. It did and I stayed warm during the early morning part of the ride. Rode about 150 miles today. I really do need to do something about the brick for a seat on this bike.Hard as a brick. Maybe in the Spring Time. As with most of my riding I took some pictures. Enjoy.


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While elbows deep in a home project, I was realizing it was great weather for a ride... the ice just melted off my street. Looks like a nice ride for you Chuck; does that VXS300 wheelie? :4is:
Great pictures Chuck. I have noticed though over the years that you bike photos kind of resemble most men taking pictures of their significant others. Nice backgrounds, always showing the curves, profiles showing the best side, etc. You should be careful your other bikes will become jealous of this new gal.
Took The Little Gray Bike out for a ride to meet a friend for lunch in Kiowa today. Beautiful weather but a bit windy. Only took one picture


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Man, you're killin' me. I'm still off the bike, doing PT on the new knee. Desmo Steve and I gotta get back to Colorado; I think it's a mental health issue...
Nice to catch up with you today Chuck. I noticed how clear the air was and how large Pike's Peak appeared, but I didn't stop for a picture. :shrug1:
Nice to catch up with you today Chuck. I noticed how clear the air was and how large Pike's Peak appeared, but I didn't stop for a picture. :shrug1:
One thing one does not do with the little Versys 300X..........Is get in a Hurry. That little bike forces one to smell the roses ( err, ragweed) along the way. After I made the turn in Elizabeth I found some dirt roads that took me most of the way back to the Aurora Reservoir. Kind of need just tooling along on dirt county roads. Great grabbing lunch with you.
Haven't posted much here lately, and July is coming to and End, so I thought I would post a Few of my July Day Rides. First ride is with my New 2015 Versys 1000LT

Had a nice quiet 4th of July at home with my wife Sue, took care of a few things that needed to be done around the house. Today, 5th of July, the outside temps were a bit cooler than yesterday so I headed to the Foot-Hills to do some more bonding with my new 2015 Versys 1000LT. Still trying to come up with a unique name for it. (any ideas) Rode up Deer Creek Canyon and Upper Deer Creek then over to Old Evergreen, via Shadow Mountain, to Brook Forrest. Took Kerr Gulch over to Evergreen Park Way and then onto Central City and Black Hawk. Turned east to ride down Golden Gate Canyon and then thru CrawFord Gulch on down the rest of Golden Gate and across Denver and home. Temps crossing Denver were about 82 degrees. Great little 200 mile ride this morning. I now have 599 miles on the Big Versys 1000LT. Time for the 600 mile service.


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July 6th.

I walked out to the garage early this morning to get started on the 600 mile service on my Vesrys 1000LT. And there sat the V-STrom 650, looking forgotten and forlorn. Looked at my mileage for the Wee Strom and saw I had not ridden it since the end of May, and here it is already July. Well the 600 miles service can wait, weather is beautiful and temps in the mountains are very comfortable. So off for a another 200 mile loop with the Wee. Rode down to Deckers Store for a cup of coffee, then up to Pine Junction and over to Grant on highway 285, South side of Guanella Pass. Over the Pass (11669 ft) to Georgetown, then two lane access road onto Idaho Springs, and on to Evergreen. Down Kerr Gulch and continued down Bear Creek Canyon. Across town and was home by 1pm, before the City gets too jammed up. Another great riding day. Perfect cool mountain temps, beautiful blue sky, and great green mountains. Gotta love it here.


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I typically don’t Ride my day rides on the weekend , as there is always too much traffic out and about. I try to ride during the middle of the week. This week has been an exception. I was out with the Big Versys this past Monday ,and rode up to Guanella Pass. Today, Friday, I rode the V-Strom on one of my favorite “Sweeper Rides” This weekend is most likely going to be the last weekend for Leaf Looking as the weather liars are predicting a significant drop in temperature for next week, with the possibility of measurable snow in the city Tuesday night. Most likely, no riding next week. Today I rode down to Deckers Café via Rampart Range and along the South Platte River. Beautiful ride with the fireplace aroma from the cabins along the river route. No pictures of this part of my ride as I have posted many shots previously. Wanted to stop for a coffee break, but as usual, the Café was not open yet, so I pointed the V-Strom south and headed to Woodland Park. My plan was to ride over Ute Pass (9165 ft) on HY 24 to Lake George and then turn onto County Rd.77 Terryall Road. 42 miles of recently new smooth pavement with High Speed sweepers all the way to Jefferson. Even though the posted speed limit is 50mph, the high speed sweepers will invite one to exceed the limit. I chose to ride at or under the speed limit today and just take in the sights and smells of early fall at around 9000 feet. A beautiful ride. The little hamlet of Jefferson is at the end of the 42 miles of lovely curves where County 77 exits out on to Highway 285. From there I tuned east and rode over Kenoshe Pass (10001ft). Most of the Aspin leaves had already finished their turning from a sparkling gold to a winter brown and were quickly being shed . Winter in the High Country is not far away. From Kenoshe Pass it was just a normal traffic bound ride down off the mountains, across the city to home. Total miles for today 215. Total Ride time 5.5 hours.


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