A Very Sad Day In The Holler

So sorry for your loss, Phil. My heart aches with you.
So sorry to hear of your loss, Phil. Nothing we say can take away the pain of losing your daughter. You have some wonderful memories of quality time you spent with Nikki, hang on to those.
Phil, I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain, but only time can do that. Prayers for you and your family is all I can offer, but I know that you have some precious memories to hold onto. God bless you, brother.
Among some of the things that I do is to write Christian songs (twenty up to this point).
God has just gave me this one today and I hope that sharing it doesn't violate any forum rules -

In My Father’s House

Things are all right in my Father’s House
Where sorrows and grief never come in
Where the Son of Righteousness is the Light
And His Children dwell in peace within.

Things are all right in my Father’s House
Where great joy and great happiness reign
Where sin is no more and hate is no more
And His Children are no more in pain.

Things are all right in my Father’s House
Where I have dear folks waiting for me
Those who have gone on sometime before
That my broken heart’s longing to see.

Things are all right in my Father’s house
Where He stands with His arms open wide
His Son paid the price on Calvry’s Dark Hill
If you will you can come on inside.


Won’t you please come to my Father’s House?
For today there's a wide open door
The joy you will know and peace you will have
Will be yours for now and forev'r more.
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Phil, I really can't imagine what you are going thru. Our deepest condolences, we'll keep you in our thoughts.
My deepest condolences
You were a wonderful father, and she was the luckiest person to have you as her father.
Prayers to you and your family.
Having a grown daughter who also shared Daddy rides when young I can't imagine the pain that you are having. We are supposed to go before our kids do.
God bless you and your family in this time of loss.
So very sad to hear this, My sincerest condolences to your family UP!
I'm so sorry for your loss, Phil. Deepest condolences, and prayers, to you and you family.

I have no words not said or feelings not already expressed.

Phil, know that you and your family are in my prayers.

You hit the nail on the head with this "But God is gracious to us and He will sustain us and we will heal over time."
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