Sunday coffee and weather, 9 April ... errr, 7 April???


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning sleepy heads

I have no idea of the roast but there's a pot of fresh ground coffee waiting for you. Cups in the rack next to the pot.

It's 40°F in Danville, IN and WUnderground describes conditions as "fair". Who am I to argue?

It may get to 62 today, with clouds building to a high chance of evening rain. We may try to work in a midday hike at a nearby State Park, after our hosts return from church.

Not much other news to share.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Thx Keith!

10˚c/50f, windy, sunny.
Snow all gone, me like it.

Last nights dinner was veggie burgers…..well, the wine was good.

Just been on a walk in the hills. Very vet trails.
Heading over to Peter later, his dad is on a business trip, so we will step up the next days.

Have a good one!

From the hills todayIMG_3173.jpeg
G'Day everybody!

had my standard two cups of Capriccio this morning, lots of crema, each gulp really filling your mouth, interesting how the foam lasts that long and sticks to the inside of the cup...
Soft boiled egg, fresh (self baked) white bread, a few slices of Camembert, one bread-slice with butter and strawberry jam as dessert...

Sunny, almost no cloud in sight, already 26°C/78°F... media warning about a "30°C/86°F heat wave"... the usual "panic" propaganda/advertisement... :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, the robo mower successfully finished his shake-down run last night, I started the irrigation this morning, also performing well...

GF out in the garden, rummaging here and there, spreading flower seeds, attending her "XXL bonsai" .... ;)


positive the glaring sun will chase her back into the house soon... :cool:

have a good one!
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Keith. As for the roast, I hope it's pot roast.

2C here and overcast, headed to 4. They are calling for snow. I wish they'd stop calling it, but I guess it's what they are supposed to do.

Not sure what's on tap for today, but likely not draught (draft.) It most likely will involve cleaning and groceries, and maybe if I'm lucky - turkey bacon.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Keith.

It's cloudy and 35 in MA this morning, rising to 48.

We did visit the range, yesterday, but Brenda didn't want to wait out the wait list, so we came home to Linner.
The restaurant had a half pizza/ calzone menu item that we indulged in.
Beer and pizza... Yum!

Today, I have no plans.
I'll wait on Brenda to plan our day.
Dinner at our friend's restaurant.

Enjoy the day,
Good Morning and Happy Sunday!
Keith - you da man - Thanks for the coffitation and weather!
I'll bet things are getting excited for "the event" out there.

On the ranch, we've got sun and 41F's. The flowers are blooming and it's a day of possibilities.
I think Mr Tractor and I will rest a bit and even take in something other than work.
Maybe my lovely wife and I will check out some plants and such for the outdoor gardens.
We're thinking of perhaps duplicating Biltmore Estate....calling ours Tractor Estate. Thoughts?
Hmmm, I'll have another cup and work out those details.

Y'all have a windafull day!

Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the cup, Keith.

36/71 and partly cloudy. Can’t complain.

I had a great day yesterday, here on the ridge, starting with gathering eggs from neighbor’s chickens that resulted in a delicious omelette. Then more garage clean out, some mowing, washed 2 bikes, and then took Teddy for a ride in the hack to pick up 5 gallons of mower gas.

I noticed the neighbors got home from their vacation last night around 11:00, so these will be the last bunch of free eggs. There’s 5 nest boxes, but for some reason, the hens all lay in the same nest.

Thanks for the coffee, Keith, by now you've earned my trust that you won't be serving up instant coffee crystals... if it's ground, I'm down.

Another tech team church day, so o can't dawdle overlong.

Yesterday's neighborhood meeting was nearly 2 hours, as we haven't met in a few months. Project updates, city updates, dues, treasury report, the usual. Ours is kind of like a volunteer HOA, but without the onerous prohibitions and restrictions and power-hungry control freaks, and the dues are voluntary and help pay for shrubbery, and upkeep of the 2 entrances. Nice folks.

Kaiser was a big hit, as he rolled up in his trailer wearing his harness. He behaved himself in an acceptable manner, but I think he was bored.

Out biggest issue is young punks (mostly) speeding through the neighborhood, as quite a few of us walk regularly and we don't have sidewalks everywhere.

If it's too much brain work to comprehend this quote, feel free to ignore it and have a fine day.

Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat.
Ralph Ellison, “Invisible Man”
Ay up me ducks and ta Keith'ster.
The weather........
It's been a funny old, task filled mornin ere at the humid and blowy paradise. I'm chomping at the bit to get out but it's a touch on the windy side for my liking. I did manage some spring garden clear-up yesterday but my enthusiasm has disappeared in the wind. Maybe tomorrow. I think I spent more time running after my tub than actual clear-up. Pffffffftttttt.
"What are you complaining about fat head, you need the exercise!"........thanks Ethel.
Av a gud un and remember, there's an eclipse to be chased. Can you here the birds going quiet yet? Is that an oxymoron.
Thanks for the mystery coffee Keith, it reminds me camping - you never know what you will get!

34 and partly cloudy here in northern New Hampshire, heading towards 48. It looks like 61 and cloudy for the beginning of the week before Wednesday and Thursday provide some cooler rain.

A welcome text arrived a few minutes ago - my eldest and his family have been using my generator as he lost power last Wednesday in the ice storm...... and his power was just restored this morning. This last storm gave the power lines around here a heck of a beating!
I am surrounded by 70 foot pine trees and I noticed there are several branches in the 6 - 8 inch diameter now resting comfortably on the lawn! My Mr Tractor and his buddy Captain Chainsaw will wait another week or 2 to let the snow melt and then spend a couple days cleaning things up.

Be safe, be careful, and pfffftttttt, it is only weather!!

Good morning, all, and thanks for the brew, Keith!

We're starting the day at a chilly 2°C/36°F, but the temperature will warm up to a more palatable 11°C/52°F by this afternoon. The sky is clear and the sun is shining and glinting off the wing of a plane that's just coming in from some far off, or nearby destination (Montréal-Trudeau International Airport is only about 5 minutes away from me).

I have so much to do today that it's hard to know where to start...guess I'll just dive into to something or other. But first, one more cup of coffee and perhaps, an omelet made on my fancy, new space-age glass-top range. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

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