Different strokes for different folks. I tried a V-Stream on my 1300 some years ago. In every respect it was inferior to the standard screen. Beware of spending big bucks on something unseen. In my opinion, the OEM screen beats all.This is the manufacturer:
VStream® Windscreens for Metric Motorcycles
National Cycle's VStream® Windscreens have turned the metric motorcycle windscreen world upside down -- literally! The patented, unique inverted "V" profile creates a quiet and comfortable riding experience unequalled by any windscreen on the market.www.nationalcycle.com
N20001 Replacement Screen for Honda® ST1300
National Cycle's VStream® Windscreens have turned the motorcycle windscreen world upside down -- literally! The patented, unique inverted "V" profile creates a quiet and comfortable riding experience unequalled by any windscreen on the market.www.nationalcycle.com