The last trip I made in 2006 was "epic". At least in my mind.
It was a trip to Oklahoma to ride the Talimena Trail. This trip was sort of inspired by a song that was written and sung by Toby Keith
The the song, Honkytonk U, mentioned that his Grandmother owned a Night Club on the Arkansas-Oklahoma line.
In the summer his mother would put Toby on a bus to go visit his grandmother’s bar in Oklahoma where he would “make a hand” stacking up empty long necks.
At night, his grandmother would let him sneak out of the kitchen and sit with the band.
That was supposedly the start of his career in singing.
So, I thought it would be nice to visit the Arkansas-Oklahoma line and find the Night Club. Well, while I was looking for the possible location of the Night Club mentioned in the song, I found the Talimena Trail in Oklahoma and figured I would make that the destination and if we found the bar on the way, "so be it".
Also, a stop in Memphis TN was planned. We were going to have dinner at Rendezvous Ribs located just off Beale ST. in Memphis.
The trip was about 1,900 miles. We took, I believe eight days (8) to make the trip.
I don't have the original routing file but, based on the pictures and what I remember of the trip, the map below should be a good approximation of our trip.
So here is the map of the route we took.

We did an overnight stop in Tupelo. I wanted to visit Elvis Presley's boyhood home again and this time get some pictures.
So, here are some pictures.
First a picture of the riders for this in the Elvis Family home front porch swing.
And a picture of the sign documenting the home
There is also a "Chapel" on the grounds.
And a car (not sure of make or model) that belonged to the Presley family.
It was hot the days we did this ride. We stopped for lunch at a gas station and used the shade there.
Oh, by the way, the riders on this trip became the gentlemen I rode with almost exclusively for the next five or so years. Henry is in the front, Billie, is laying down, and Leo is in the back of the picture.
Now, as life would have it we found an interesting spot on the way to ride the Talimena Scenic Drive or Byway. As we were traveling down US 270, looking for a spot for lunch, we found the Rich Mountain, Country Store and RV Park.
A surprise for sure. We parked the bikes in the parking lot and stepped inside.
We found a nice place to sit and eat
And an nice selection of eats.
And a lady ready to take our orders
Oh, the restrooms were out back.
As we were getting our stuff on(helmets and gloves and earpieces) the owner stepped outside to talk with us. A picture of the owner taking with Leo.

The owner's wife also came oustide to chat with us. In the picture below a friend of her's joins us. She just arrived in a pickup truck as we were outside talking.
Now I was born and raised in the south so ladies walking barefoot did not usually seem "different" but, I must say it was a little "striking". She walked barefoot from her pickup truck over an asphalt parking area in August, in Arkansas in the sun.
Now, while we were there the gentlemen began to tell stories and they are not really stories but a "demonstration" of what he could do.
Oh, you must know that I had a small digital camera. The camera (as many were back in those days) was able to take still shots (the ones you have seen here) and movies. All you had to do was to make the selection. It was easy to do. So, as the gentleman began to tell his stories, I switched the camera to video mode.
I have not put the videos on YouTube bu I do have them stored in Dropbox. So I have included those links below.
The Art of the Nickel
The Art of the Propeller
As we left the Rich Mountain Country Store we were all smiles. It was nice and sort of unique to be treated as close friends by strangers
Next, we made it to the Talimena Scenic Drive. The views were exceptional.
A view of the Talimena Scenic Drive
The riders at an overlook
Distant view of the rest of the Talimena Scenic Drive
A view from the Overlook
Henry, Billie, and Leo standing on the overlook with Billie's new Goldwing in the forefront
We truly enjoyed riding the Talimena Scenic Byway. It was a real treat to see something that we knew nothing about a few days before.
But, it was time to head for home. So we headed back East toward Memphis.
However, as we were traveling through Arkansas we found this spot. Many of us had heard of the name but alway thought it was sort of a joke. Not so.
We made it to Memphis without incident and went to Elvis Presley's home. We were not really aware of the wall and the signatures.
Here is a picture of his home from the wall.
Us in front of the wall.

And we signed the wall.
Oh, and I found out that Elvis really liked Valkyries
And our last meal together before the trip was over.
We had no real issues on this trip;. It was hot. It was the only time I can remember that, when we got to the motel one afternoon after the day's trip, that we all put on swimming trunks and jumped in the pool. And you might ask, why did we bring along swimming trunks? I can't give you a reasonable answer. We just did.
A great ride. A great experience. Great fiends and we will have many more rides in the coming years.
Next, 2007, and my new ride for touring for the next eight (8) years.