Wednesday July 10th Café.

Morning all! Yet another gorgeous day to memorize for the rainy season in the winter. Sunny, blue sky, 20C, just about perfect. We'll climb up to 27C later today.

Went for a swim this morning for the first time in a long time. Just about kicked all the crap out of me but not all. Hence, I am still full.....almost full, down about a litre....of crap. Still surfing the endorphin buzz so I may go back and do it again on Friday. We'll see.

In the meantime, the Spawn have descended and havoc is being wrought. Wouldn't have it any other way. They seem to have turned out well despite my best efforts and are actually pleasant to spend time with. Haggard memories of living through adolescence (theirs not mine, I'm still in mine) are slowly fading.

Hope everyone has a great day and listens to a little Haggard, remember Momma tried!
Low-key day... yeah, right!
This morning we had a brand new Vette go into the wall.
He smudged the wall. Broke his car.

"It's all fun and games, until you set the airbags off"
He did.
Low-key day... yeah, right!
This morning we had a brand new Vette go into the wall.
He smudged the wall. Broke his car.

"It's all fun and games, until you set the airbags off"
He did.
Racing, it's a strange old world. I remember sitting with the Petronas Race Chief having a coffee in the transport vehicle/techy thing. It was when Jeremy McWilliams was due to start with them but I don't think he did.
We were chatting about life/bikes/racing and other crap when I said the surroundings were all very plush and I enquired what the budget might be for a two bike season. He just shrugged and said "it's racing, it'll cost what it costs, no point budgeting for tech advancements you hadn't even heard of yet". I could see his point.
I can't remember the chiefs name but he was a friendly Stateside chap.
I've checked the single 20a fuse, visually AND with a meter, it's good.
I've traced power to a small extent, and I lose 12v across the solenoid posts (12v to the battery side). Even while turning the key to crank it, I don't have power on the downstream side of the solenoid, which supports my rookie belief there's my problem.
If I can ever get a new, working solenoid, I'll be able to troubleshoot further if required.
Solenoid Number FOUR is due to arrive tomorrow, I don't like riding around town looking for crap. This is Birmingham AL, and apparently whenever I need the simplest item, it eludes me.
I'm a busy man.
Yay, Wednesday hump-day coffee! Good day all. 18’C at the tail end of a storm and drizzle. Bled Arod’s brakes and clutch, and took him out for a quick semi-naked (him) spin to test. All’s good except a loud ‘pop’. Not sure if from him, the road, or other. No matter, waiting on the kid to return my oil pan to finish up. Soon to hook up with local Pan Clan group again and this time on an ST :)

Ride safe x
I've checked the single 20a fuse, visually AND with a meter, it's good.
I've traced power to a small extent, and I lose 12v across the solenoid posts (12v to the battery side). Even while turning the key to crank it, I don't have power on the downstream side of the solenoid, which supports my rookie belief there's my problem.
If I can ever get a new, working solenoid, I'll be able to troubleshoot further if required.
Solenoid Number FOUR is due to arrive tomorrow, I don't like riding around town looking for crap. This is Birmingham AL, and apparently whenever I need the simplest item, it eludes me.
I'm a busy man.
Did you try bypassing the solenoid to see if it’s actually that?
Make sure everything is in neutral before you do it!
If you don’t understand my instructions, don’t do it!
Hydrostatic drive, so there is no actual "neutral."

But as I'm seeing voltage on the "in" side of the solenoid, but none on the motor side or "out" side, I'm going to tackle this phase first.

It won't take long for me to get lost in the details, so one step at a time is the best I can do.

So to answer your question in the literal sense, I can't say I've "bypassed" the solenoid, except to jumper the posts, which DOES bump the motor. That's kind of a bypass, innit?

That was the redneck way, by putting a conductor from post to post, and it arced and the motor did spin.
I've checked the single 20a fuse, visually AND with a meter, it's good.
I've traced power to a small extent, and I lose 12v across the solenoid posts (12v to the battery side). Even while turning the key to crank it, I don't have power on the downstream side of the solenoid, which supports my rookie belief there's my problem.
If I can ever get a new, working solenoid, I'll be able to troubleshoot further if required.
Solenoid Number FOUR is due to arrive tomorrow, I don't like riding around town looking for crap. This is Birmingham AL, and apparently whenever I need the simplest item, it eludes me.
I'm a busy man.
See if you have power on the small wire when trying to start it with the tractor key, if yes it't the Relay.
Stupid question # what ever, is it possibable the mower is engaged?
Checked that; it's not.
There's about 25 different safety "interlocks", the mower being one of them. I checked all those first.
Seat, mower, parking brake, safety safety safety I need my momma!
Just like the warning labels on a new toaster: "Do not use this product in the shower."
Mid Afternoon, Ray & All from a HOT, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 96F out there in the shade, but 103F, in the Sun. The winds are blowing from the WNW@14 to 24mph.

Chris and I had to head down to Costco so we could spend over $800 on what, I'm not sure of, but that's what the numbers showed! o_O

And it was over 110F, while we were there, but that's why we went early. The biggest problem was that I think all of ST George was there too! :censored:

Since getting back an hour ago and after getting all of that $800 worth of stuff out of the truck, we are exhausted! :sleep-2x:

It was soo hot down there, we didn't even stop to get something to eat! :(

Just finished off a Pepsi, so all is well here!

Anyone :bk13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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