Wednesday, Jan 01, 2025 coffee


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
24 GL1800 Tour DCT A
Well Happy New Year my friends!

Can you believe it's 2025? Where did 2022 go?

For the record, January Land is closed once again for the month.

Also for the record, coffee is on and awaiting those with groggy and non groggy melons this morning, depending on last night's libations. Hope you all had fun and were safe and smart. I'm sure you were.

I was going to make a nice fancy spread of fixin's but I know some of you are now on your New Year's resolution and pinching the calories, so let's just stick with the coffee for now. I have some hair of the dog if you need a pick-me-up. That's one of those odd terms that is Scottish in nature, having started from the practice of putting the hair of a dog that bit you, in the wound, to prevent rabies.

So if you feel bitten this morning, now ya know.

Weather is still dark and -4C here. We'll pop up to 4C later today under a cloudy and rainy sky.

Not sure what the day holds, mostly because it's all new out there and I'm not sure what 2025 holds for any of us. I'm hoping lots of happiness and fun, riding, and of course, coffee!

Talk at you soon my friends, but for now I need a few more hours of zzzz's.

Until then,


Coffee later.
I said it. Yeah, don't drop your teeth.
Watching a movie, then it will be time for sleep, no alarm. Yay!!!!!!
I'll wake up at 6:30 local time anyway.
I just paused the movie to swing by and say Happy New Year!
Glad I wasn't first, cuz I don't feel like making a pot... although i would, just for you. Now I don't have to.
Back to my movie.
Sans popcorn .
Thx Obo, and Happy Morning all!

Last nights party was meh.
Believe it or not, I’m trying to be positive here.
There was some wine, and it got late.
If I try to type OK, my ipad autocorrects it to MEH.

0˚c/32f, a breeze from north, overcast.

Mrs Stu is chef-of-the-day.
I’ll go for a walk.

Have a good day, and a goodyear (do they make motorcycle tyres?) !

From the summer motorcycle adventure………Finnskogen, very close to Sweden….
Good morning all and Thanks for the coffee Obo. Actually my second cup, had one before I turned on the computer this morning. Sunny and mid 60s here today but that's what they said yesterday too and it rained til noon.

Hope everyone has a Great '25. Remember to be safe out there in '25 too.
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the first cup of the year, Obo.

No hangover here, as I went to bed around 10:00 last evening. I remember rolling over and seeing 12:45 on the clock and realizing that I had missed the big event. OK Meh.

36 currently, with cloudy skies. High of 42. Looks like a full week of lows in the low 20’s, with snow on Sunday.

Ride safe

Good morning, thanks for the start-up, Obo, and lol the best for 2025, everybody! I hope it’s a good year for all!

66 to 75F are the numbers for today with the usual mix of sun and clouds. There’s a cold front coming that will cause the temps to take quite a dive in the next several days, but I’ll be on my way back to colder weather anyway on Friday morning. Two more sleeps. It’ll be good to get home.

Everyone have a restful, enjoyable New Year’s Day. Stay safe and go safely.

good morning all. thanks for the coffee Obo 42F on the dog walk with a bit of everything, well almost Mr. moon was a no show. that's ok. he has time on the books if he wants to take some time off he can, where did 2024 go? enjoy the new year
stay saff
Happy New Year!
May this year be everything you want it to be for each and every one of you!
Thanks for the early hot start @Obo!
It was a quiet evening here, we did manage to see the new year in!
72/79F a NW breeze to keep is cool, another promise of a rain shower as well!
Enjoy the day!
It's been a rough few days. I missed the family gathering in St. Louis due to the serious ick and last night was the longest sleeps I have been able to accomplish in a while. Good to be on the mend and able to help Spousal Unit who is in the ick now, thankfully not as icky.

I mentioned a few "Coffee Posts" ago about our "Nest" and I am so grateful to my Past Self for putting that together. Spousal Unit is on her side with a few pillows and I'm on my side with a few pillows, two cats and the chills. So much flexibility with the Nest and I'm surprised that not everyone has such a thing. I'm not that smart. Maybe that's why I'm so clever.

You cats be safe and take care of yourselves, this season's ick is playing for keeps.
Morning all! Happy New Year to everyone! It's still dark out here, there's been rain and more to come though it's supposed to stop this afternoon. The clouds will stay though. Currently 5C and a predicted high of 6C.

I was in bed and gently drifting off by midnight last night only to be awoken by some neighbouring yahoo who decided to let off a metric crap tonne o' fireworks. Thankfully they decided to use up said crap tonne as quickly as they could so it was all said and done within 5 minutes. What does annoy me however is that they missed hitting the adjacent rooster who seems to feel the need to crow his bloody brains out every 10 minutes during the day. Who knew they had special needs roosters that rode the short bus?

In completely unrelated news, resolution to be more restrained and not immediately vocalize every passing thought did not last long.......always next year I guess.....

No plans for the new day in the new year as of yet. I expect it will involve sloth of some kind, maybe a board game or two, the odd movie and general idleness and layaboutry. Captain, I hope the ick recovery continues and may it pick up speed.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning and Happy New Year, Obo & All, from mixed clouds and Sun, in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 28F, up from 14F, and heading for 49F. No breeze yet, but later, we'll see the winds from the SW @ 8 to 10mph.

Prayers for all those effected by the New Orleans attack! :cry:

Really exciting night/morning here! Chris went to bed at 10:30PM and I watched a movie until 12:45AM. I had a headset on so I never heard any of the fireworks at Midnight. No great loss anyway. ;)

My eye (around my eye is the problem, my eye is fine) is still having issues. I'm sure hoping it will clear up soon!

Chris made some hot cereal to start the morning off. I made the toast and we had OJ to wash it down. Pepsi(s) will come later.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Happy New Year from SoMD! Def need some of that Joe today as I got voluntold by the wife to drive her up to BFN to see some nag of a horse. Cold and windy up here in western MD. Pretty country but horses are NOT my thing.

For the record, McDs coffee sucks, but it does prevent murder.

Anyhoo, hopefully I can salvage something of the day once we get home. Haven't a clue what I'll do but I'll find out when I get there. Hope y'all have a great day and a good start to a new year! TC y'all!

Oh I will say that apple TV is said to be free on Jan 4th to 5th. I plan on watching the two motorcycle series's with Ewan McGregor 'Long Way Down' and 'Long Way Up'. I haven't seen the them yet but my sis loved all three. I just bought the first on DVD unseen, 'Long Way Around'. Thought I'd pass it along to y'all if interested. Enjoy!
Good sometime-on-1-January everyone

Thanks for the early start @Obo. I slept right through it but no matter, your effort's appreciated anyhow.

It's a breezy, gusty, blustery New Year's Day here in Rockville, with temperatures currently around 45 and WNW wind @ 20+ mph gusting well into the 30s. Mostly cloudy seems the right description of the current sky.

We all called it quits around 10:00 last night. I got up a little after 0600, having heard my cousin beginning to rattle around emptying the dishwasher, etc. Knowing the routine at their place, I knew that meant coffee was not far behind. After three large bowlsful I'm beginning to feel sleepy again and may indulge in the first nap of my 2025 experience.

I've already done a bunch of uke practice (i.e. making the same mistakes over and over and over again until they're deeply ingrained and nearly impossible to eradicate) since we got home late this morning but there's much more to do.

My newest instrument arrived yesterday afternoon, a tenor version made of solid wood (as opposed to plywood; it's still a hollow body) mango; it has a lovely sound. I'll keep my baritone uke but I think the concert-sized instrument may be relegated to the shelf, or returned to the store if it's not too late. It was intended as a Christmas gift to Mrs. Fun but she's made it clear that she really doesn't have enough interest to actually make an effort to learn even rudimentary playing. Since I feel like it's rather cramped for my fat sausage fingers I don't expect to play it much, if at all.

I got some new-to-me golf clubs yesterday afternoon; one of the neighbors was decluttering his basement and left four nice clubs at my door. They're a few years old but have been supplanted in his bag by shinier, newer ones so they've been gathering dust for a couple years. Not sure exactly when I'll have a chance to play with them on the outdoor course (the weather for the foreseeable future isn't my idea of golf weather) but I could book some indoor bay time at the PGA Superstore a few miles down the road to at least give them a swing or ten. If I don't care for them, they'll be donated to the local "First Tee" golf for beginners program offered by the local county-owned course system.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. Then go have the best 2025 you can.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Obo.
Today, I found that the half and half had turned bad, during our trip, so black coffee is my drink of choice.

It's 41 and foggy in MA this morning, rising to 45 with some rain or snow showers, later.

We were up to see the New Year happen on TV, last night, but not much else afterward.
We made it to the house around 6:30am, and found that with the exception of plumbing, nothing had been done. In hindsight, we should have predicted a Christmas week pause.
Brenda re-upped at the motel that we've been staying at, and got the same room.
We collected Freya from the boarder, after breakfast, and she's resting on my legs, right now.
I did the annual parking detail at my friend's restaurant, and had dinner, there, afterward. It's amazing how many order Chinese for New Year's eve. After we achieved a full parking lot, we had people parking on the street on either side of the restaurant. Lots of DoorDash, in addition to the normal take-out.

Today, we have no real plans. Brenda's still at the hotel, and we'll see what she's got planned, when she gets here.

Enjoy the day,

I just found that I hadn't pressed "Post Reply" yet!...
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