TX-North: Tag

Messages 174 and 179 in the Tennessee tag game show a similar style house near Chattanooga that was occupied in 2016 at the time of the pics.


I know what the thing is, what it's called, who designed them, but part of the game is the figure out what and where the object is, then go grab it.
So until it gets grabbed, I'll not reveal any historical significance : )

( Joe mentioned "black SUVs" showed up - I assume that would be DPS (Texas Dept of Public Safety) folks, making sure no encroachment happens to that object - it's been vandalized, graffiti-ed, etc).
Actually, it's a riding game, not the amazing race, so if someone needs a hint I'll tell you where it is.

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Welcome back Dave! We’ll have to catch up at the next RTE.
Replaced one cafe with another. I know some get upset when I move the tag “far” but the Amarillo Rosas is the best.


New Cafe.

I don't see a Handicapped tag on that there 2006 Honda ST 1300. There are only 20 Rosas Cafe's in the Dallas area, but we will find you !! :thumb:
Replaced one cafe with another. I know some get upset when I move the tag “far” but the Amarillo Rosas is the best.

Nice try to mislead, but that pic ain't of the Amarillo Rosa's.

That is the one in Ft. Worth at 5000 Overton Ridge Blvd. (see the 5000 street number above the entrance?).


Interesting grab - interesting there are businesses that still display giant art structures ... no doubt the "uniqueness" is a customer draw :)

I see their menu follows a similar theme ... and apparently, you have to visit them to learn how the structure made it to their station :)
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