Tuesday weather and coffee, 25 March

"May your intentions be strong...
but your coffee stronger..."



8°/14°C with chances of occasional spritzers today...
2nd day in that rental Toyota Yaris... odd ride, but it gets me places...

Speaking of odd: so is muscle memory...
GF's Skoda has a key-fob remote for central locking...

So last night she mentioned been stunned for a couple of seconds while walking to her NT700VA, cause pressing the key does exactly... nothing... :laugh:

Yeah, that's like me pushing a cart through the store, attempting to check my rear-view before passing slow strolling shoppers in front of me... ;)

I asked if she really wants me to install a chirp-module into her NT... she declined... would look cool though... "uiek-uiek"... :unsure:

Anyway, on the run, work is urging...

have a good one!
So who knows the difference between a pork tenderloin and a tenderloin pork?
Not me, woke up at 6 am early again, Had my eggs and sausage omelette and will get dressed to open gate and take garbage out. Maybe organize tools in tractor shop will be on the agenda for today. Thanks Keith and Dave for coffee and comics, have a great day everyone,G
Morning all! Grey, foggy and I have no doubt there is rain lurking over the horizon but I can't see it due to fog. 9C with a predicted high of....16C! Huh. Spring has definitely sprung.

All these foot puns are toetally heelarious. Slow golf clap for the lack toes intolerant Obo, well played sir, well played!

Working from home today as my wife has another physio appointment. I've decided, since this seems to be a fairly regular occurrence, that I need to pick up a monitor because working off just the laptop screen isn't cutting it particularly since I seem to be reading a lot of documents and writing a fair bit of them as well. In perusing the various reviews etc. I think that said reviewers and I have much different definitions of mid-range and budget when it comes to price. Since I'm just going to be looking at emails and documents etc. I don't need whiz bang gadgetry, just something that will make it large enough for my aged eyes and won't cause eyestrain. I'll gird my loins and hie me off to Bestbuy to be schooled by the 13 year olds.....

Hope everyone has a great day and I unreservedly apologize for the loin girding thing, no one needs that image this early in the day!
@Weaselinsuit buy a little USB monitor for your laptop. Usually no external power supply is needed, just plug in 2 USB cables. About the same size screen as a laptop.

Can get them $100-150ish. Easy to take with you on the go too. Come with a neoprene like sleeve to toss in your laptop bag.
I’ll check those out, thanks for the suggestion!
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