Thursday Coffee/Weather

Good morning all, and thanks Peter for getting us going with coffee.

-1C here and dark, but clear. There's a partial moon hanging about, watching me as if I'm up to no good. It may be right....
Later, temps will head up to +9, but rain will accompany that.

Unsure what today will bring, but I doubt it's millions of dollars. I really didn't want that anyway. I did start both bikes last night for the 1st time in 2025, and moved the Wing to the front garage to fill up the tires with my new cordless pump, and to swap out 2 driving lights on it. I've decided it's time to sell STella as I only rode her about 7 times last year and it's not worth keeping her insured for $500 for the upcoming year.

Hope everyone has a great day,

Good Morning Peter and thank you for the coffee. Beautiful weather here today. Around 8c at the moment and forecast to reach 18c! Unfortunately Chief of Staff has dictated that 'this seems like perfect weather to give the lawns their first mow of the year', can't fault her logic but it's one of those jobs I hate doing.......
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Peter. 43F on the dog walk with a bright moon, clear sky and some stars to complete the picture and enjoy.
I have a doctors appointment this morning.
some rain forecast for the 2pm/4pm afternoon with the high of 66F. we will see about the rain. enjoy the day

stay safe
G'mornin' y'all! Thanks for making the go-juice for us, Peterzzz! I was supposed to go in to the office, but my body is not having it. I should be out the door now but instead I'm still in pjs. Traffic has been terrible. I can't be "more productive" by going in if I waste 3 hours a day sitting and rolling along in a cage at 3pmh doing nothing. Might shift it to tomorrow due to expected rain today (EDIT: done), and I might ride since Fridays aren't usually so bad commuting.

Otherwise, today looks to be filled with Maybe get a bit of stuff done in the garage here & there before the rain comes down. 47F/8C and cloudy here in SoMD and not expecting much better. Yesterday was beautiful but wasted it in the office and didn't get to play as schedules couldn't align. Pity. Welp, time to get a move on, so take care y'all!
"Keep your distance!
my [low coffee] warning light is on..."


-1°/12°C, sunny, bright skies today...

office, dull, Daikin has released their new catalogues, me wading through their price lists, updating our article database... pfffff...

GF had a quack appointment this morning, took the NT over the precarious parking situations there, and now she sends me this...


darn gal is out on a ride... pfffff...

Anyway, break is over, gone typing again...

have a good one!
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Thanks Peter... where are our rodent- mind- addled barustas from 2am?
51 F's, getting cooler from here, to the 40s with lots of wind to keep it cooled down. That's backwards and uncomfortable. Tomorrow should be warmer and sunnier, it trained last night lid enough to wake me, and i remembered my car windows were down. Hate when that happens.
Auto- suggest is playing games with me, forcing me to correct every third word. If I didn't edit this post, I'd be even more confusing than I normally am.
If i get going now, I won't have to rush in an hour.
Make it a good day.
Can't believe @Obo is going to sell his ST. There's got to be another alternative.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the hot start Peter!

I too have a spare (07) ST, fully insured & licensed, I rode it about 5 miles last year! The Spyder just isn’t the same, but I can’t put Judy on the ST!

We’re on the wind down here in the park, heading north Tuesday, stopping to say goodbye to my sister on the way north. (Florida)

58/81F with a SW blow, partly Sunny with an afternoon shower promised.
Enjoy your day!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee Peter. Hope you're adjusting well to the new knee.

It's 44°F and cloudy here in Lansdale PA, slated to reach 64 or so but by the time it does we'll be back home.

I'm slowly adjusting to the new normal of a world without my brother in it. There's a lot of dust yet to settle of course, but bit by bit things seem less different with each day that passes.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. Do it NOW, today, because tomorrow may be too late.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Peter.

It's foggy and 40 this morning, rising to 53 and becoming cloudy, later.
We're told to expect rain, tonight.

I did the gym thing and walked our community dog a little over 3 miles, yesterday.
I moved into the shed, planning on changing the oil on the VFR. That's done, but I still need to reinstall the fairings, today. I'm missing one screw, and am unable to source it locally, so I'll go online to buy a few.

Brenda came home around dinner time, and as predicted, was happily tired, after watching our granddaughter. We dined at our local Mexican spot, and retired home for TV and reading.

I'll head over to the gym for a bit, and then re-install the VFR's fairing.
I've been looking North with an eye toward a last day of skiing, but what I've found has been disheartening. Loon is open, but many of the good trails are closed. Wachusett Mtn sent me an email, saying that they're still open, but with temperatures starting in the 30s and going into the 50s, that'd be sloppy skiing.
I'll probably pull the skis from the truck, and the snow shovel as well.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Peter! Much appreciated! Happy First Day of Spring, everybody! :)

Looks like another fine day out there...well, for the most part, anyway. 11°C/52°F now, going to 16°C/61°F later (windchills are negligible), mix of sun and clouds until around 5 pm, when the rain will set in and fall into the wee hours, but then clear again. The lovely weather should continue for a bit, but then the cold comes back and we'll get a tad more snow, but alas, that is to be expected at this time of year in this part of the world. Right now, though, most of what fell during those two back-to-back snowstorms we got earlier this month is gone.
Our duck pond is now clear of snow and ice (we should be seeing some ducks again soon), and the creek is running high and fast. Lots of birdsong, too.

Everyone have a good one, stay safe and go sagely...erm...safely. Well, safely and sagely, really.
@Weaselinsuit: As for your parting line of yesterday (An dòchas gum bi latha math aig a h-uile duine): Agus tu fein! :)
Sorry, had to answer in Irish, as I don't speak Scottish Gaelic, but I understood what it said! The two languages are kissin' cousins, after all!

((( Keith )))


Wow! Slept in today and I'll make another pot for those in like circumstances.
Hey @Obo tell me about your '24 Wing. Why did you buy it and what did you ride before it?
Sorry for the questions Obo, I guess I should read all the posts before making a comment:rolleyes-2x:
BTW, Love the Wing and trailer combo!
Y'all have a great day!


Morning, everyone. Thanks, Peter.

Back to winter, although it’s the first day of spring. Started at 42, feels like 30 due to steady wind, high of only 46.

The crew is back today, to finish pouring my new sidewalk. I didn’t realize how much work went into watching them yesterday. I’m almost ready for my first nap, and it’s not even 9:00.

As for your parting line of yesterday (An dòchas gum bi latha math aig a h-uile duine): Agus tu fein! :)
Sorry, had to answer in Irish, as I don't speak Scottish Gaelic, but I understood what it said! The two languages are kissin' cousins, after all!
What hath I wrought???
@STinner bought the Wing in January of last year, from a dealer out of town who had 4 in stock, and had the dealer store it until April 27th.

It wasn't really a planned purchase, it sort of just happened while were were looking at new Hondas & BMW's.

I'd had my daily ST1300 for 5 years at that point, and had just sold my other bike, a Kawasaki ZR750. (I'm allowed a 2 bike maximum.. ;) )

STella though, is getting long in the tooth, being am '03 model. I wanted a sport tour style bike, vs a cruiser or crotch rocket, and something that could be comfy for 2up the odd time.

It was actually the Mrs. who suggested I buy a new bike, using some of the funds left from my Dad's passing. She also preferred the Wing visually. Between the two brands (Honda & BMW), we have a local Honda dealer, and the total cost of ownership is lower, which helped clinch the decision.

Other than the day we stopped to look, I'd never sat on a Wing, nor had I ever driven one. The day I picked it up and drove the 2hrs home, I was disappointed. This was no ST. It took a couple of days for the Wing to grow on me, and I kept STella as a backup, in case the Wing just wasn't going to be a fit for me. Turns out it is, even with it's differences.

What I really wanted wasn't obtainable. I'd loved to have a brand new ST, but that wasn't going to happen. The Wing is the closest I could get. It has lots of things the ST doesn't, and is missing things the ST has. That's not the bike's fault though, it's a me issue, with my wants and expectations. They are two very different bikes.

The fact I put almost 10K km on the Wing in about 7 months and under 200km on STella says it all. Having a newer bike, with more pep, that I don't need to wrench on, is wonderful.

As for the trailer in the photo, that's not mine. It's what I'm looking at for our upcoming trip to Nfld this Summer. I have a 2 wheeled trailer, but it has a bad torsion axle that can't be repaired, and replacement parts are going to cost me more than I want to spend. Better to take that money and buy something new to go with the new bike I think. I've wanted a Unigo style trailer for years, and still have some funds left if I decide to splurge for it. It'll cost me just under $5K CDN shipped.

Hope that answers some of your questions. If not, let me know and I'll tell you what I can.

Good morning, Thanks Peterz for Coffee,Dave for the "Nailed it" Comics. My body is finally starting to feel okay this morning after breakfast and two cups of coffee, Princess asked to go out at 6 o'clock, which got me out of bed, was not done sleeping. Any way today is Blood work at the Lab ,then grocery shopping, made a list for once. After that who knows, maybe play in Tractor shop, ordered a set of JIS bits that work with 1/4 inch impact drill,if they come early enough.
Weather Cloudy, but dry. 5 C high of 9 C in afternoon a bit windy 12 mph, tonight forecasting 38 mph around midnight.
Have a good day,G
@Obo Once I bought a Wing(2007), my ST was too small. I found I was more comfortable in the twistys on the Wing than with the ST. Also the Wing allowed me to rest on my asre then the scrotum(on the ST). I sold my 2nd ST and the 2007 thinking I'd try an Indian Challenger but IMHO once you go 6cyl V-Twins just don't cut it. So I'm on my 2nd 2016 Wing. After seeing a 2024 at one of the local dealers around Cleveland I'm putting money down on a 2025 tomorrow. I'm not a fan of the DCT so the 6-speed will do me just fine. Btw, I pulled a camping trailer for a couple of years with my '07 but a 2" mattress didn't cut it anymore!
Madainn mhath all! Alright, I'll stop with the Scottish. It's a sunny day out there with some cloud though rain is forecast off and on all day. It's 4C, though the weather network also says it's raining which it isn't, so accuracy may be open to question. The high will be 8C.....maybe......
Working from home today so no ride in. May have to make up an excuse to go for one later. I was thinking something along the lines of "Hey, I think I'd like to go for a ride.....".

Not much on the docket work wise today, one meeting with our group and otherwise pretty clear. I think I should take advantage of the down time and put it to good use (see ride above).

Keith, that's pretty much all you can do; adapt to his absence but it's never easy and the memories will catch you off guard at the darnedest times.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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