@STinner bought the Wing in January of last year, from a dealer out of town who had 4 in stock, and had the dealer store it until April 27th.
It wasn't really a planned purchase, it sort of just happened while were were looking at new Hondas & BMW's.
I'd had my daily ST1300 for 5 years at that point, and had just sold my other bike, a Kawasaki ZR750. (I'm allowed a 2 bike maximum..

STella though, is getting long in the tooth, being am '03 model. I wanted a sport tour style bike, vs a cruiser or crotch rocket, and something that could be comfy for 2up the odd time.
It was actually the Mrs. who suggested I buy a new bike, using some of the funds left from my Dad's passing. She also preferred the Wing visually. Between the two brands (Honda & BMW), we have a local Honda dealer, and the total cost of ownership is lower, which helped clinch the decision.
Other than the day we stopped to look, I'd never sat on a Wing, nor had I ever driven one. The day I picked it up and drove the 2hrs home, I was disappointed. This was no ST. It took a couple of days for the Wing to grow on me, and I kept STella as a backup, in case the Wing just wasn't going to be a fit for me. Turns out it is, even with it's differences.
What I really wanted wasn't obtainable. I'd loved to have a brand new ST, but that wasn't going to happen. The Wing is the closest I could get. It has lots of things the ST doesn't, and is missing things the ST has. That's not the bike's fault though, it's a me issue, with my wants and expectations. They are two very different bikes.
The fact I put almost 10K km on the Wing in about 7 months and under 200km on STella says it all. Having a newer bike, with more pep, that I don't need to wrench on, is wonderful.
As for the trailer in the photo, that's not mine. It's what I'm looking at for our upcoming trip to Nfld this Summer. I have a 2 wheeled trailer, but it has a bad torsion axle that can't be repaired, and replacement parts are going to cost me more than I want to spend. Better to take that money and buy something new to go with the new bike I think. I've wanted a Unigo style trailer for years, and still have some funds left if I decide to splurge for it. It'll cost me just under $5K CDN shipped.
Hope that answers some of your questions. If not, let me know and I'll tell you what I can.