Thu Nov 28 - Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Today I'm thankful for a day without anyone using a hammer in/out or on top of the house. I love the End Result of our projects but I find the During to be very tedious.

Today it's dinner at the Assisted Care place with Spousal Unit's aunt.

You cats be safe and have a great day doing whatever you are into.
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Good morning all.....

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Music and mud are good, thanks.

It will be a day of gobble, gobble. Better half worked all day yesterday getting ready. Have an older couple from the hood over to help us consume mass quantities........

Weather is overcast and low 30s today...... Last of the outdoor lights are up. Now to do my best Clark Griswold impression and plug them in tonight.

Hope everyone has something to be thankful for, cause life is good...mmmkay.
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