This is really bizarre. Bike air conditioner

Anybody seen this? A/C for motorcycles...

This looks kind of interesting.
There's no indication of price yet, but you can sign up for 20% off...whatever the price will be.

It looks a little silly, but could be kind of nice for hot or cold weather:
Re: Anybody seen this? A/C for motorcycles...

Think that was posted here awhile back.
There's also the cool vest (circulates water thru an ice bath)

20% off ? is a little rich for me LOL
Re: Anybody seen this? A/C for motorcycles...

It would be nice if it actually worked. ;) YMMV
Ah yeah, but in Colorado "high" humidity is about 50%, when Denver is at 100'F, the twisties in the mountains are around 80-90'F.

My AC works great!
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