The Paulcb Memorial Coldest Ride, Winter 2023-2024

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Oct 26, 2020
Makefield Highlands PA
2016 ST1300P
2025 Miles
In continuation of the Paulcb coldest ride game this year, I clipped his earlier posts and put them here. I will do my best to be timely updating the leaders. I'm a fan of pictures, however not required. Rules below

  1. centralMN -14°
  2. mudduc -5°
  3. the Ferret
  4. rjs987 11°
  5. Daboo 16°
  6. sirbike 16°
  7. WØQNX 19°
  8. ST-venture 21°
  9. dbst1300 22°
  10. cjames431 28°
  11. rogo 28°

"" Post the lowest temp you've ridden in for more than a few miles for the this* winter. Extra details would be nice, but not required, i.e. gear worn, where you went, etc. I'll post the names and temps of the top 10 in this first post, as they are generated. Also... no windchill, no handicap and no participation trophies! Don't hesitate to correct me if I miss someone or make a mistake. "

All temps in Fahrenheit

From Paul " I'll start... I rode 27 miles to work yesterday morning and it was 46°F when I started. Didn't pull out my electric gear yet, just wore my Tourmaster Transition 4 jacket and Caliber pants, with liners. "

" Ride safe and stay warm out there. ""

* edit for accuracy
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