TGIF Jan 17th rant...

Up at the crack of 0700. I think it was 29/-2 then...or thereabouts. Eh, it's cold enough here in SoMD. A rare morning where the wife unit has to go in to work today, so I have access to my whole garage to do stuff while I WFH...oh the possibilities! Working on a 5500W generator, paid $50 for it. Get it working, cleaned up, and a shot of paint and it'll be worth $250-300.

And I got my other late xmas gift since I tinker with electrical stuff. It's built very well and pretty slick. I do wish it had a little more torque power and a collet lock so I could use it like a regular screwdriver if needed. But it was at a good price then:

Other than that, eh, we'll see what coffee and brekkie brings. Thanks for the joe and morning snacks! Take care y'all!
I don't have a rant ready for this morning, so I'll enjoy the Friday giggles and the coffees.

Some of the cabinet hearings in the Senate are rather entertaining, as well. I guess you would have to know a little about recent American politics to appreciate the humor, but if you don't live here, I don't expect you would want to. But the irony and some of the senators themselves can be deliciously laughable. Like, how in anyone's world did some of these clowns ever get elected in the first place? Some things are just not meant to be understood, I guess.

Tomorrow I hear we might see 62 (riding!?), followed by an Arctic blast deep freeze early next week and likely another winter weather disruption. Mother Nature needs a remedial lesson in geography -- this is not supposed to happen here.

But as old Springsteen told us, "You have to learn to live with what you can't rise above." (Tunnel of Love)
Good morning and thanks for the coffee... 33f rising allll the way to 35 in the afternoon.
Late to the table, I was hoping to see my grandson on his way home, as he passed by on the freeway, turns out he drove by at 0300. Received his discharge papers yesterday morning in San Diego, having completed a 5 year hitch with the US Marines. Good for him! Traveled the world as Marine Security for various US Embassies. Now its time to get on with his life with his wife.
Enjoy your Friday wherever it takes you, hopefully someplace warm.
Morning Martin, Donk & All from sunny, but COLD, Southern Utah!

Currently it is19F, up from 12F and heading for 48F. No breeze yet, but later, we will see the winds from the WSW@16 to 20mph.

The cost of living! Timing is everything. Just as I get retired, and living on SS, they decide that we aren't paying enough for anything and prices have gone out the window. I'm not sure how much longer the pittance I have in savings will last, but I sure hope, as of Monday, things start turning around for us. We can start with energy prices dropping, that would be a good start! :unsure-2x:

Yesterday, as planned, I took off on the :dr13: for parts unexplored. I outlined my ride with a few pictures Yesterday's ride

So today, I'll be cleaning up the garage and get it ready for Chris's return, sometime Saturday.

Eggs, bacon, toast & OJ to start the morning. Pepsi(s) come later.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Morning all! It's sunny with some cloud right now. The temp is 5C with a predicted high of 6C, though if it stays sunny I think we'll beat that.

Drove into work in the car this morning as I have errands in town that cannot be done on the bike; picking up new grill grates for the bbq and some groceries. The new grates were required as the old ones decided to grow various cultures of various kinds and even after I torched them and cleaned them, I was informed nothing would be brought inside the house that touched those grates. Good, and somewhat expensive, reminder to keep the grates clean after each session. Additionally, given the climate, apparently having a cover acts as a greenhouse. Who knew?

Today will be spent investigating the intricacies of construction noise level thresholds including calculation and application in the real world. It's an adrenaline thrill ride ladies and gentlemen.....

Hope everyone has a great day and breaks the mold!
Lowering prices while at the same time applying import tariffs to everything in sight seems like two opposing forces at play. Time will tell.

No import tariffs if we're all one big North American nation...

New nation, new name, new rules...

Hmmm, using the 1st letter from each maybe?

The United Nation of Canada US Mexico.

Naw, that's almost just as absurd 'innit?
Lowering prices while at the same time applying import tariffs to everything in sight seems like two opposing forces at play. Time will t

No import tariffs if we're all one big North American nation...

New nation, new name, new rules...

Hmmm, using the 1st letter from each maybe?

The United Nation of Canada US Mexico.

Naw, that's almost just as absurd 'innit?

Or United North America? :unsure-2x:
United we stand, divided we fall.....

Yes OK, enough of that, if any of ya are interested once the sun goes down there's a splendiferous view of Venus and Saturn tonight in the Southern Sky.
The United sky that is.
It's clearly visible to the naked eye.
Life goes full circle, we're back to naked!
Either way it's a lovely sight.
I don't have a rant ready for this morning, so I'll enjoy the Friday giggles and the coffees.

Some of the cabinet hearings in the Senate are rather entertaining, as well. I guess you would have to know a little about recent American politics to appreciate the humor, but if you don't live here, I don't expect you would want to. But the irony and some of the senators themselves can be deliciously laughable. Like, how in anyone's world did some of these clowns ever get elected in the first place? Some things are just not meant to be understood, I guess.

Tomorrow I hear we might see 62 (riding!?), followed by an Arctic blast deep freeze early next week and likely another winter weather disruption. Mother Nature needs a remedial lesson in geography -- this is not supposed to happen here.

But as old Springsteen told us, "You have to learn to live with what you can't rise above." (Tunnel of Love)
It's easy to see how DC became a clown show. Over the years, we weren't watching them closely enough to realize they were no longer working for us. Plus side is they are, all but five or six anyway, excellent at sucking up to money opportunities and making themselves immune to legal consequences. Down side is you and I don't have the sort of money they suck up to.
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