Dont forget the CO2 pauschal.Not long and we get a meter tacked to our snots, so they can charge us for breathing... and the noise it emits...
Dont forget the CO2 pauschal.Not long and we get a meter tacked to our snots, so they can charge us for breathing... and the noise it emits...
I had no idea that those come also fur trimmed...Mrs Stu is out shopping for a new swimsuit.
In january.
In Norway.
Yeah, on German beer imports...Dont forget the CO2 pauschal.
Be careful you make sure she's actually wearing a swim suit if you say that....I had no idea that those come also fur trimmed...
Anyway, women's fashion is always a catch22/no-win situation for us...
Lowering prices while at the same time applying import tariffs to everything in sight seems like two opposing forces at play. Time will tell.
Lowering prices while at the same time applying import tariffs to everything in sight seems like two opposing forces at play. Time will t
No import tariffs if we're all one big North American nation...
New nation, new name, new rules...
Hmmm, using the 1st letter from each maybe?
The United Nation of Canada US Mexico.
Naw, that's almost just as absurd 'innit?
It's easy to see how DC became a clown show. Over the years, we weren't watching them closely enough to realize they were no longer working for us. Plus side is they are, all but five or six anyway, excellent at sucking up to money opportunities and making themselves immune to legal consequences. Down side is you and I don't have the sort of money they suck up to.I don't have a rant ready for this morning, so I'll enjoy the Friday giggles and the coffees.
Some of the cabinet hearings in the Senate are rather entertaining, as well. I guess you would have to know a little about recent American politics to appreciate the humor, but if you don't live here, I don't expect you would want to. But the irony and some of the senators themselves can be deliciously laughable. Like, how in anyone's world did some of these clowns ever get elected in the first place? Some things are just not meant to be understood, I guess.
Tomorrow I hear we might see 62 (riding!?), followed by an Arctic blast deep freeze early next week and likely another winter weather disruption. Mother Nature needs a remedial lesson in geography -- this is not supposed to happen here.
But as old Springsteen told us, "You have to learn to live with what you can't rise above." (Tunnel of Love)
It's a full three-ring circus, full of entertainers clamoring/fighting to be in the center ring, and all very bad at their jobs.It's easy to see how DC became a clown show.