TGIF Jan 17th rant...


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Dec 4, 2012
Vienna, AuSTria
ST1100Y, ST1100R
"Behind every successful person is a substantial amount of coffee."

Risk of quite a mess inside the vehicle, but I appreciate the thought:


-2/+2°C, foggy morning, damp, ghastly, cleared by now...
Someone at the office donated muffins, I grabbed two in the break room... so 'a happy top of the muffin day' to you... ;)

Did my annual m/way toll/peage advance payment for 2025 these days... € 103,80,- for ze car... € 41,50,- for ze bike/s...
Last year it where € 96,40,- and € 38,20,-... thieves everywhere...
Not long and we get a meter tacked to our snots, so they can charge us for breathing... and the noise it emits...

Just finished another big offer/quotation... 4 blocks, 12 flats each... 48 CDUs (outdoor units), 173 FCUs (indoor units)... 74 pages... again...
Had to do this for 4th time now! :rolleyes:
Bloody architect can't make up his mind... what about those FCUs... what about these FCUs... can we have the premium ones from the first version, but without the WLAN option... dafuq?! :mad:
And of course special price here, and discount there... pfffff... next we've to actually pay them for taking our products & services...

However, TGIF... will leave this place at 1230hrs...

Sat & Sun will be work days, GF's NT700VA is in need of some TLC... prospects on some relaxing activities there... :cool:
Will also try out a new addition to my tool collection:
(yeah... she broke something... LHS inboard pannier has a nice crack... ;) )

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Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee Martin.

Did my annual m/way toll/peage advance payment for 2025 these days... € 103,80,- for ze car... € 41,50,- for ze bike/s...
Last year it where € 96,40,- and € 38,20,-... thieves everywhere...

Or, they could the "shrinkflation" tactics companies here (and I bet there, too) use: rather than increasing the monetary amount a package sells for they reduce the amount of product in the package, generally without reducing the size of the container so much that it's obviously smaller. Applied to your roadways, they'll either narrow the lanes, take away the shoulder and convert it to another lane, or close sections at the end so the road is shorter by 5 to 10 percent.

After they've done that, or WHILE they're doing that, they also raise the price a bit: to give themselves an eight percent bump in profits, they'll deliver six percent less product and raise the price by two percent. B**tards, the lot of them.

It's 31°F (but feels like only 26, speaking of "shrinkflation"- label as one temperature, deliver a lower one. Oddly, however, there will be a "feels-ike inversion" for a few hours today: from about 0820 until about 1550 it may feel warmer, by perhaps several degrees, than it actually is. Huh.) in Rockville and could reach 42 under sunny skies, apparently, before we plunge back into the deep freeze over the weekend and into next week. By mid-week the high may only get to 15°F- sure am glad I'll be on my way to the tropics by then.

Nothing specific planned for today; what could possibly go wrong?

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. about a coffee first then a rant? I put on a pot of Dark Roast it will be ready in a minute. Last of the corn bread is there for the eating. Maybe the Doberman will get up too. We have a couple hours before the sun peeks over the horizon.

Warm here today may hit 40 by afternoon. Tomorrow the temps drop like a stone, back to the single digits.

Have a great day, rant if you must but remember be safe out there.
Mornin' all and thanks Martin Donk for the coffee.

Maybe you should give them the units for free, then charge an annual usage fee that increases each year? Works for the roadways.

It's a cold morning here, -18 with a windchill of -25. Clear though, and I could clearly see the moon on the morning commute. We'll see a mix of mostly cloudy, a bit of sun and "highs: of -3/-5. Still brrrr.


The new flashlight is supposed to arrive today. It's coming courier so there's hope it'll be on time. The mail here has been backlogged due to a strike before Christmas. I'm just getting my credit card bills that were due the beginning of Dec 2024. "Late payment due to the mail strike is not an excuse." Always an excuse in'ere?

Have a great day, and if somewhere cold, keep warm!

good morning all. thanks for the coffee Donk. 44F on the dog walk with moon, stars, and clouds all mixed in to make for an enjoyable walk.
have gym this morning and nothing after that on the to do list. the afternoon should top out at 61F for the high. enjoy the day

stay safe
Ta me duck, whichever me'duck put the coffee out. I'll eat some'at too. Ta.
It's OK, 38 to 50'ish. Bright enough, still enough, warm enough. I'm fairly enough'ed out. Pffffffftttttt.
Just got back from Berwick-upon-the-Tweed, Er'Indoors has successfully passed er weekly jumpy target with aplomb. Bless, me.....meh, not so much.
After coffee and probably lunch I may wash me motor. It's mucky.
Av a gud un and remember, stop moanin, it's FRIDAY!
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the rant, Martin. Are there any muffins left?

23 now, but warming to a sunny 56 before it rains this evening. Then temperatures will drop faster than panties at an Elvis concert.

Checked on the neighbors yesterday. Evidently, ice baths and going barefoot in winter will prevent catching colds, but has no effect on preventing Influenza A. Herbal tea didn’t work, so a trip to the ER was required for the 10 year old when his fever reached 105. Don’t worry….I washed my phone with bleach after calling them.

Where did 8 years go?

Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Martin!
Thanks for providing the caffeine for us Donk!

At sea, headed back to Ft Lauderdale, where it all began! 66/75F, cloudy with plenty of clouds!
We had a great day in port yesterday, did a little shopping spent most of the afternoon in a Mojito bar.
Enjoy your Friday!

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Good morning, Martin, and thanks for the coffee, Donk.

It's clear and 17 this morning, rising to 36, later.

I did make it to the gym, yesterday, and Brenda spent the day putting shelf paper in the new cabinets and drawers.

Today, I'll head out to the local ski hill, while the contractor completes some of his final tasks.

That's all...
Good morning, all, thanks for the start-up, Martin, and for the coffee refill, Donk!

It will be another mixed-bag day of cloudy periods, flurries and sunny patches, with temps hovering around -3°C/27°F (feels like -7°C/19°F). 'Tis the "mild" before the deep freeze. That oughta be fun.. not.

Whelp, best get my brain in gear. But first, more coffee. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Thx Martin & Donk!

8˚c/46f, a breeze, grey.

Shopping for shrimps, vine and stuff.
Now to clean the house.

Mrs Stu is out shopping for a new swimsuit.
In january.
In Norway.
Wonder how big selection they’ve got…
This could be interesting, or embarrassing.
We’re leaving for Gran Canary in 8 days. Who’s counting?

Have a good one (beer)!
It’s really Friday!
Remember, the customer is always right.
Or left, if you turn your back to him.

From the summer adventure archives……Skjolden
Thx Martin & Donk!

8˚c/46f, a breeze, grey.

Shopping for shrimps, vine and stuff.
Now to clean the house.

Mrs Stu is out shopping for a new swimsuit.
In january.
In Norway.
Wonder how big selection they’ve got…
This could be interesting, or embarrassing.
We’re leaving for Gran Canary in 8 days. Who’s counting?

Have a good one (beer)!
It’s really Friday!
Remember, the customer is always right.
Or left, if you turn your back to him.

From the summer adventure archives……Skjolden
She does know you can buy a swimmin cossie on a Spanish Island that is surrounded by warm sea, black sand and full of cossie shops?
Not you Stoo, I bet your budgie smugglers are already packed!
Or, they could the "shrinkflation" tactics companies here (and I bet there, too) use: rather than increasing the monetary amount a package sells for they reduce the amount of product in the package, generally without reducing the size of the container so much that it's obviously smaller. Applied to your roadways, they'll either narrow the lanes, take away the shoulder and convert it to another lane, or close sections at the end so the road is shorter by 5 to 10 percent.

After they've done that, or WHILE they're doing that, they also raise the price a bit: to give themselves an eight percent bump in profits, they'll deliver six percent less product and raise the price by two percent. B**tards, the lot of them.
Well, the gov had "outsourced" Autobahn, carriageways and other toll roads to the ASFINAG Ltd... bit of a hoax as it is a federal corp...
Changing the label enabled (legalized?) establishment of road pricing, just another "form" of taxation, only that also visitors and those in transits are charged as well...
They even operate their own "rent-a-cop" division to enforce toll, and chase those in avoidance of fees... blue flashers, federal nee-naa, the whole thing... (they also secure crash sites and alarm/cooperate with the real EMTs though...)
By purchasing online in their "web-store" <snort!>, my license plates are logged in their database, so all the surveillance cameras picking it up along the roads won't set off an alarm (read: issue a massive fine of at least € 300,-, up to € 3000,- for HGVs/semis...)... so much about GDPR...

Never been pulled over by their "rent-a-cops" though...
Wondering if they would actually dare to ask me for license and registration, cause I would refuse to show them anything else aside the prove of purchase for the "digital vignette" (always carry the printout with me), and insist on calling real LEO's for everything beyond that...
Good morning, according to the clock, me say it's still night time. Mind hamsters started at 3 am read for a hour, try sleeping,gave up at 4:30 read forum for a while, now to see how we're doing,5 am now. Weather freezing so phone says,31 F high 42 with Sunny Skies by 10 am. Plan for today remove big bandage from neck, doctors do get some cool toys to play with, the Heart biopsy "wire" which I got to see on the screen has got to be the smallest grab it tool ever made, remote control and even able to take out the heart sample out through itself. Feeling a little better today, neck has stopped being sore and same with stomach. This week has been challenging health wise for me,but thank God it's Friday!
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