Sunday Nescafe and weather, 13 October


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

The kettle has boiled and I've poured a bit of hot water onto the Nescafe Instant crystals in my cup, which is as near to real coffee as I'm going to be able to get until the breakfast area opens. Maybe Ray will put on a proper pot for you all.

It's 58°F an clear in Lido, the area on one of Venice's barrier islands where we're staying until tomorrow when we relocate to Florence. We expect sun and a high around 66.

Mrs Fun wants to go over to the beach to watch the sun rise, so that's the immediate plan. Then breakfast an an excursion to someplace else to see summat.

Yesterday we enjoyed a nice walking tour, led by a local man who shared far more information than I could take in or remember. Of course it included St. Mark's Square, the Basilica, Tower, etc. We also got propelled through some of the canals by a gondolier- doing all the touristy must-dos, you know.



Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love.

overcast 18°C/64°F, 92% RHL, dew-point 8°C, wind: 5kph...

as her older daughter goes on vacation, it's my GF's turn to cat-sit...
Still dark outside but dare to unintentionally wiggle your toe or such under the blanket, triggering Lady Crappsalot to appear out of nowhere, flying across the room, performing an earth shaking Catzilla superhero landing (yep, cats can change their molecular density and weight) in the bed while emitting her bloodcurdling battle cry:


this is actually just one word standing for "food?!", the most yet only important thing...

In fact nothing else matters, things like putting pants or slippers on don't exist in the catverse, nor does emptying your bladder or blowing your nose... food is what the cat-world revolves around...

So once the smell of pouring cat-food-bag into cat-food-bowl has been endured on an empty stomach, one can crank up the coffee maker and continue with his day... :giggle:

Don't get me wrong, I like that ball of fur to bits, this one totally cool exemplar of the species... :cool:

Here it's gonna be busy, GF has invited friends for a "brunch"... full house, noisy, not really my idea of a relaxed Sunday... the things we do for... ya know :sneaky:
Times I'd like to follow the feline into it's parallel space time continuum wherein it frequently vanishes; amazing: you've build and furnished the place, but at times you can't find that cat anywhere... no clue where it goes...
In the second the door slams behind the visitors it materializes, out of nowhere, right between your feet... purring innocently: are they finally gone? Got more food? :laugh:

Have a great Sunday everyone!
cheers! :coffee:
Well, I haven't smelled any proper coffee so I'll put the Italian Dark Roast on.
And why not have some warm Panettone.
Ta for starting me duck.
That's better.
Venice, gotta love the dank, smelly, dark old place. Although it could do with a few more motorbikes.
36 to 49 is all we can muster above the 55th parallel, but it should be dry and bright.
I think some'ats may get done, but who knows.
We've only been home a few days, it feels like a few months.
Av a gud un and remember, if it's wet, you're in the canal.
Good Morning All!
Whew! All this talk of instantaneous caffination and smelly canals!
Scary stuff.
@ibike2havefun - Keith, sounds like (other than the coffee) you're off to a good start!

Yesterday was another long day of machining the garden area.
I think it looks good - certainly better than what I started with.
And glad it's done - Everything takes longer than you think it will - (And costs more too).
Now, all I've got to do is plant grass, manicure the remaining bushes for Fall, put down more mulch, pick up dead branches, burn them, and, and, and....

So nice a cool/cold in the AM. 53 Heits this morning but once again rising to a despicable Heit this afternoon.
The hyperbole channel is already talking about NADINE.
Nadine, Nadine go away - don't come back another day.

I'm gonna sit here and sop up some coffee while the mindsters come up with more stuff to do.

Y'all have a winderfilled day!

Good morning, everyone. Thanks, Keith.

Starting at 51, we’ll reach a near record high of 88 this afternoon. Shhhh…..Don't tell him, but Teddy is getting a bath today. He doesn’t mind the bath so much, it’s the 45 minutes with the doggy blow drier that he gets tired of.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee starts, guys.

It's 40 and cloudy this morning, rising to 50 with some showers predicted.
I did observe a beautiful pink sunrise through/below the clouds as I left our hotel room, though.
Currently grey, at the house.

Our 19 year old cat, Freya, doesn't do any of the things that @ST1100Y describes, any more, except for the cry for food (?).
She's content to find yes another place to rest. Many times, on my lap.
Some of our previous cats have been hellions, though...

Yesterday's plan fell apart, and I did nothing, while Brenda did the bills and ran to the laundromat.
I brought up the idea to dine at Goodstuff Smokehouse the other day, and she took me up on it, yesterday.

Today, we're going to have lunch and catch up on life happenings with @blueSTormer and @Bones, who used to visit the site. We rode a bit with them at variouse ST events, and have kept in touch. Bob and Mary are visiting from Oregon, so we'll have lunch at the Vanilla Bean.

Enjoy the day,
Morning all, I played hooky here yesterday and meet a friend and his cousin to gawk at the Vintage Festival.

Oh, thanks for the FR Ray, and I have some Black Rifle too, if anyone's interested.

Saw about every kind of motorbike made since 1940, and some older, and even ones I never knew of. What I did NOT see, was a single Blackbird! Not black, and not any other color. I'm sure they were there, but I didn't see one, lost in the sea of parked and running motorcycles.

Hoping I can get back today for a short while, but it's our church's 50th anniversary and that will take up much of the middle of the day.

Tonight I'll have dinner with Jim Hyde of RawHyde, before he flies back home to CA tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and thanks for the crystals Keith. Better coffee than meth!

9C and partly cloudy, headed to 13C and mostly sunny. Where do they come up with these descriptors?

Not much planned for the day, other that Mrs. Obo eluded to getting out for a ride if the weather is decent. She's currently still in bed, recovering from a big head last evening as we attended my SIL's 50th birthday party at a private club.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning, all, and thanks for the start-up, Keith, and the lovely pics of beautiful Venice, dank, dark, old and smelly as it may be! Enjoy Firenze!

The Weather Channel says it's partly sunny this morning, and I suppose that's not entirely false, but the "part" in "partly" is infinitesimal...much like that last, teensy-weensy, quasi-microscopic piece of a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle you just...can't...find. Soon, that ephemeral smidge of light will be swallowed up by a fully overcast sky for the rest of the day. The rain will start sometime in the wee hours and tomorrow's weather will be...I think "crappy" is the correct term.
There's also a bit of a chill in the air today: 6°C/43°F to 11°C/52°F are the numbers, and the breeze is making it feel a degree or two cooler.

Whelp, I'd best get to it, as there's no rest for the wicked. There are books to be read, a NYT crossword to be solved, an easy chair that needs sitting in, a series or two to be watched, and the torn collar of a favourite rain jacket to be mended (still not allowed to do anything "strenuous," dontcha know :biggrin:).
Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Morning Keith & All from clear skies over Southern Utah!

Currently, before the Sun is even up, it is 43F and heading for 80F. No breeze now, but later the winds will be out of the SSW @ 14 to 27mph.

Well, it looks like this is the last week of our Indian Summer. The temps are going to be falling fast, by Friday, the high will be only 46F! And after that, according to the weather guessers, no more 80Fs in sight. :(

So, I'm not sure If I'm going to get the concrete poured in time to get the shed up. time will tell.

I dumped the gravel down, next will get the framing done.


Race against the weather now! :well1:

No food yet, Chris is still in bed. But Pepsi(s) will be had later in the day.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Good morning . Raining and cool here on the north shore of Lake Erie . Seems the next few days will be cooler ,maybe fall has arrived and I still have yard work to complete . Thanks for the warm coffee and might sneak an oatmeal cookie from the jar . Happy Thanksgiving to my Canuck friends here and enjoy whatever festivities are in store for you today ,we have family coming for the little 34 lb butter ball gobbler . Pumpkin pie ,fresh rolls and squash with lots of mashed potatoes and gravy . Take care and ride safe eh !
Morning all.......

Thanks for the .........startup...??? Instant anything is kinda gross in my opinion....

Been busy with fall work, winterizing RV, boat, lawn, sprinklers x 4, garden clean up ect.

Sunny for just two more days then it turns into fall and winter on Wednesday. Hoping to get a ride in there somewhere.

Hope everyone has a satisfying Sunday.
Good morning, everyone. Thanks, Keith.

Starting at 51, we’ll reach a near record high of 88 this afternoon. Shhhh…..Don't tell him, but Teddy is getting a bath today. He doesn’t mind the bath so much, it’s the 45 minutes with the doggy blow drier that he gets tired of.

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