STock Exhaust Modifications.

The cats are located in the front of the muffler where it starts to get larger. They run from the large round part back into the triangle part. It is the honeycome type cat.
I'm interested it this for heat reason.

The heat if fine everywhere else, but my feet cook....and yes I wear nice thick boots.

Did it help the heat at your feet?
picked up a pair of mufflers and pipes cheap on ebay, own a v65 sabre and love the sound of it, will try the punch through mod myself here shortly. Was originally thinking of gutting the mufflers and packing them slightly with some high quality steel wool similar to the way glass packs used to be packed.
Hi, thanks for this post, it, in my opinion, is a very educating post.
To start do you really think it increases mpg? I believe taking out the cat. con. is the key element here. It is the first and the most constrict ant here.
I am thinking the back pressure is the factor of the low mpg. It is totally relevant to the last diameter of the exhaust exit, in this case those two little holes at the end of the each pipes.
I am thinking to drill very small holes not only to the inside of the both end holes to the pipe but also to the back part of the exhaust pipe where two holes are. So that will increase the end diameter of the exit. Thus reducing the back pressure.
I cant cut and weld the same section of the pipe to take out the cat. con. I need to find out a different way to fix the cat. con.
Since you take out the whole thing, can you please provide us a diagram about how the pipe is designed? I found one in the internet but it is not detail.....
I need to know how the gas travels, and what is the purpose of those little holes on the outer side of the exhaust walls?
I checked and find out that if you close the holes underneath the exhaust drain holes (the water drain holes) the sound of the muffler gets less louder.
Please, when ever you have time, the diagram will be appreciated.
I measured a 2006 model LEFT exhaust with the heat shield and it is 12.5 lb.
I measured by itself and than with my self to be more accurate. Both times it read 12.5 lb. I believe heat shield is no more than 0.2 lb so it can be left out.
Cool post, thks. Ive got a '10, about 40k on it, and am considering this mod. First and foremost hoping to cure the shim/ankle combustion issue. Doggone these bikes cook the legs, dont they? Have you noticed any improvement in this area? Less back pressure I would think would mean less heat retention. Any info on mileage, and fuel computer related problems from the mod? Ive still got a year of warrantee to go, but if the mod is a winner, will go ahead and gut the cans. Thks again!
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Well, it is done.

I will make this two posts, first is the actual modification work, second is the sound of the ST.

I bought a set of mufflers off of ebay, $32(what a STEAL!) and shipping was $40(huh?) So far $72.

I happened to find a great welding/Fabrication shop right across the street from work. When I say find, it is a strip of mall stores, but it is two rows, and I never have looked at the second row. Someone told me to check the Prop shop, a high performance boat prop company. They work with a fabrication shop in the second row, who does their bimini's and other aluminum fab work.
He welds anything.


I talk with Ed, the owner and tell him what I want. Cut the front of the pipe, behind the Cat, and I will take it and perform the various unknown mod's to the pipe and then bring it back and he will then weld it back together. $100 each pipe. For me it is worth the attempt. Deal.

I drop the mufflers off with him, he will call me later that day and let me know they are done and I can pick them up. Later that day, no call. Next day no call. I stop by the shop and he is just going in the door. Long story short, he could not get to it, and he will do it right now. Great!

It was a little rough finding the exact spot were the seam was, but the second one was cut in about 15 minutes. First one took an hour!

After we get the first one open, shock, amazment and respect for the quality of honda products. This muffler is built like it has to go to MARS on the next mission! They could upscale this muffler and attach it to the space shuttle and no one would know it was taking off! It is really well made, stainless BAFFLE screen inside, heat barrier between the inside baffle set up and the outer case. I was impressed.

Cut the first one open. The screen was already cut open with a plasma cutter so I laid it back in for a pic. I TRIED for 30 minutes to hack and chisel it out with little (none) success. Plasma? 30 seconds.

Behind the screen was a SOLID (originally flat...:rolleyes: ) plate except for one tube that went to about 3-4 inches before the end of the muffler, which ended in a chamber. (continued after pic)

From that chamber one tube (the medium size tube) came back towards the front of the muffler, into another smaller chamber, then out through the two small tubes and out.


So at this point, I am wondering why the heck I am wasting my time and money. They will be too loud, since it is basicly a straight through pipe now, with very little muffleing ability.

I am commited so I might as well smile. :(

After a long time hacking and cutting and hammering (if you try this yourself, skip the hammer part, it is a waste of time) They are ready to be welded.

Ed, welding. The first muffler that we cut, was not a clean cut since Ed could not tell were the joint was. So while the second muffler was welded in less then 30 minutes, the FIRST muffler took 2 HOURS! The gap was too large, so it was weld, fix, weld, fix, weld....and so on. I gave him the option to finish it tomorrow, even though I really wanted them done, he said he would continue so I didn't bring it up again.


This is the seam and lip.



The first done muffler. I forgot to take a pic of the POLISHED, finished mufflers, they look AMAZING, but here is the muffler, finished but with rough welds and DIRTY.


I will take pictures and add them here, but I will tell you now, they look great! I was very happy with the results.

Next, the Sound of ST.
Have you got pictures for the muffler, contemplating the same project myself, but be good to see for a plan first.

Many thanks Rogue
Have you got pictures for the muffler, contemplating the same project myself, but be good to see for a plan first.

Many thanks Rogue


100MPG's post is from 2007....and he hasn't been here for about 5 year.

If you weren't in NZ, you might have been interested in a set of Staintune I am thinking of letting go. Am too used to the quiet OEM.

100MPG's post is from 2007....and he hasn't been here for about 5 year.

If you weren't in NZ, you might have been interested in a set of Staintune I am thinking of letting go. Am too used to the quiet OEM.
I thought it was a long shot, keen on a set but no one sells them in New Zealand, we are a bit of a secluded island, great place to ride though.
If it wasn't moon beams to post from there I would be interested in a set, second hand is fine, as my bike is ;-) . Wish I had found these bikes earlier, it's just a dream to ride, possibly the most comfy tourer I've had!

100MPG's post is from 2007....and he hasn't been here for about 5 year.

If you weren't in NZ, you might have been interested in a set of Staintune I am thinking of letting go. Am too used to the quiet OEM.
Can anyone tell how bad bad idea is to get rid of collector junction? My aim is to have two separate 2-1 systems on both sides. I know about back pressure, lack of power ect but how bad will it be?
Can anyone tell how bad bad idea is to get rid of collector junction? My aim is to have two separate 2-1 systems on both sides. I know about back pressure, lack of power ect but how bad will it be?
It will likely be wasted time and effort. The crossover in an exhaust system is there for lower-end performance and efficiency. You may not notice much if any deterioration in performance (it may be very slight), but you certainly wont notice an improvement. Curious as to why you would be contemplating this??
Thanks, that's what I was looking for. Not interested in margin power gain/loss, that is purely sound wise and want to clean things up down there. Starting stripping mine down to do muscle bike build and want to try this setup. Been worried it would cause harm to the engine of some sort.
Thanks, that's what I was looking for. Not interested in margin power gain/loss, that is purely sound wise and want to clean things up down there. Starting stripping mine down to do muscle bike build and want to try this setup. Been worried it would cause harm to the engine of some sort.
If your goal is just to make it sound "bad" im afraid you are going to be disappointed. You would be far better off with some aftermarket pipes.
I suggest completely disassembling the bike, then putting back on only what you need. :sneaky:
That's the plan. Thankfully mine is in good shape and bought for peanuts, so after selling it's covers & accessories I'd be left with a free base.
Currently my junction is very leaky and I am reluctant to fit new seal as it sound so much better. Obviously with the new look I wont be able to keep stock mufflers and just contemplating on the overall setup as never played with exhaust before. Thanks for advice.
If you want the stock look and just want it louder, cut away the crossover tubes and leave the holes open.
If you want the stock look and just want it louder, cut away the crossover tubes and leave the holes open.
Naked ST won't look good with stock mufflers, and crossover tube is already almost fully opened as clamp fell off (rust). Seal there is non existent now, but it sound so much nicer. Not by the touring standards ofc but will suit future naked form. That is why I was wondering why there is a collector and if I can get rid of it entirely.
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