ST1100: Metzeler Z6 v BS Exedra G547/G548 v BS T32

Dec 30, 2022
2000 ST1100
Hi All,

I know it's been discussed, and argued over, and lamented about, but I'm looking for tires as I prep for a Boston to Sarasota trip. I purchased my ST with Metzeler Z6 Front and Back. Now trying to decide between the Z6, Bridgestone T32s or the Bridgestone Exedra Bias ply

1) Are the Exedra G547/G548 the OEM tires? ...this has been said a few places. Is Bias ply v Radial a major difference in feel, performance, etc.?
2) I've heard many differing mileage quotes on the longevity of each. Is there a major difference?
3) People have said that the Z6 isn't made anymore, but I do see them. Are the ones I'm seeing old stock? I've seen a crazy low price on the Z6 from one retailer.

I should add that I do not have ABS.

Thanks in advance.
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1) yes on the OEM tire question. difference in feel is minor, not major
2) tire mileage has so many variables its tough to compare apples-to-apples unless you run the exact same commute every day and do nothing else for the life of the tire. If you tour long distances your tire longevity will go up, if you do all short trips with a lot of stops, it will go down.
3) don't know, I have a Z8 on my front so the Z6 must be getting old.
In my 'limited' experience (1/2 million miles between 4 ST1100s), better mileage from the bias, better handling from the radials.
At least ABSII ST1100s came from Mother Honda with radials.
I run a mix on all of mine - BT020 bias on the rear, BT3x GT (radial of the day) on the front.
That gives be around 9,000-10,000 miles on a set that wear out about the same time front and rear.
At the end of the day, you probably won't notice much difference in handling regardless of what good tires you use.
Unless you spend a lot of days at the track or running 9/10s of your riding abilities. ;)
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I ran a set of Metzeler Z6s on my ST 1300 recently, I got right around 4000 miles on the rear before I saw cord. I am not that aggressive a rider. Totally surprised how fast they went away.
1) Are the Exedra G547/G548 the OEM tires? ...this has been said a few places. Is Bias ply v Radial a major difference in feel, performance, etc.?
2) I've heard many differing mileage quotes on the longevity of each. Is there a major difference?
1) Yes on standard and ABS-I/TCS models, no on ABS-II/CBS ones
handling of radials differs though...
2) on G547/548 I'll easily see 12,000km/7,500miles (min thread depth 1.6mm mandatory here) and would be interested of the lifetime of T32's myself (Exedra are nearly extinct...)
I could get about 5,000+- miles on a rear BT032 GT and about 9,000+- miles out of a front BT032 GT.
The BT031 GTs were about the same.
I get 10,000+- miles on a rear BT020 Bias (the one that fits the BMW K1200lt).
And yes I run a radial on the front and a bias on the back. ;)
T32's are a good tyre. They stay in shape and on European Tours provided the best mileage I ever saw. Isn't there a newer version out now/soon.
Radials were standard on later bikes as far as I'm aware.
Bias was already getting old 25 years ago. But if it works it works.
Totally unrelated I put Bridgestone A41's on The B before a recent 4000 mile + trip around Europe, the bike was two up and well loaded. They started off at 6mm front and 8mm rear. They ended up 4.5mm front and 6mm rear or thereabouts. I think this shows the ST's wear their tyres out pretty quickly, the most miles between changes on the ST11 was around 6000 and at that they'd be buggered.
I could get about 5,000+- miles on a rear BT032 GT and about 9,000+- miles out of a front BT032 GT.
The BT031 GTs were about the same.
I get 10,000+- miles on a rear BT020 Bias (the one that fits the BMW K1200lt).
And yes I run a radial on the front and a bias on the back. ;)
How are they for wearing even ? Had to replace my tires for cupping on the front,bad enough could feel it on the handle bars and hear it though my full face helmet, with ear plugs in,when going through curves.
I believe it might have been a Dunlop, replaced both tires October 2023 , with a new set of Dunlop's $300 they were available and affordable. Don't have any serious mileage on them yet, cause of Multiple Myeloma blood cancer , got to weak to ride. Last ride was late February 2024. Chemotherapy is working well should be back in the Saddle this spring. G
I believe it might have been a Dunlop, replaced both tires October 2023 , with a new set of Dunlop's $300 they were available and affordable. Don't have any serious mileage on them yet, cause of Multiple Myeloma blood cancer , got to weak to ride. Last ride was late February 2024. Chemotherapy is working well should be back in the Saddle this spring. G
The BTs wear pretty evenly in my experience. There's reason I call Dunlops 'Dunflops'! ;)
I have some experience with the Metzeler Z8- I assume a Z6 even if cheap, is going to be pretty old, so I wouldn’t want that on my bikes. I’ve had good success with the Z8’s, normally getting ~ 8-9K miles out them (and not down to cords either- I usually switch them out when the front is getting squared off/ scalloped and I can feel a difference in ‘drop in’ into turns). I just put a set of those on the 2000 (I normally change them in sets) and on the 94, I just installed the Avon Spirit ST ($275 for the set shipped from those do handle nice but I can’t say much about longevity since they’re new. I had run Pirelli Angel GTs in the past and they were decent as well. Many here have done well with Shinkos…I have not due to substantial deceleration headshake on the 94 (and with tapered bearings). They handle and wear well (got 6K miles from the last set and the rear was still pretty rounded and the tread was still substantial), but they did require a lot of weight to balance (2 oz in the front and 1.75 oz rear vs the 0.25 oz up front and 0.75 oz rear on the most recent Avons). I won’t be buying them again. Cheap is good if the product is good, otherwise, it’s a compromise.
I'm with @Uncle Phil , I don't like Dunlops. Once something has tried to kill me I hold a grudge.
It may be worth running them just a couple of pounds over standard pressures, if you check manufacturer's recommendations they tend to be higher than Honda's.
That extra psi has been known to reduce cupping and squaring off.
Its about mission. I have only ever run the OEM Exedras, and they last @10K. But I ride mostly divided highway and slab with a bit of larger State roads thrown in. Handling to me is fine, I'm not into carving corners. If I was changing tires every 6K I'd be annoyed as I'd be burning up a tire with more capability than I need. Exedras go away and I'll be quite tempted to try a Commander/BT45 combo.
I’ve been running Bridgestone Battleaxe T28-T32 series tires for the past 10 years. I really like the T32s, they work well in the rain providing excellent grip. I run them at 42psi both front and rear. I get 12k kms on the rear and 20k kms on the front. ( just as the wear bars are visible)
They work for me and are a reasonable price.
All you that are running the BT32s , are you doing the GT - stiff sidewall?
Hmm, I've always run the GT versions because they should have a stiffer sidewall and my ladies are big, heavy girls ... :think1:
Don't disagree Unc, but the last time I checked GT's weren't recommended by Bridgestone.
I've never given it too much thought, thinking is blummin dangerous.
But......maybe Bridgestone developed the GT range for specific bikes after the ST11 was superceded hence they're not recommended. Just a thought.
But like I said, opinions and usage will differ and one persons chip is anothers crisp.
When are you coming riding over on the right side again fella?
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