ST 1100 Rear Wheel Bearing Surprise

I suspect that the people that live in that area are pretty resilient, probably on the low end of the income scale and used to finding solutions to keep mechanicals things running.
You are absolutely correct.

There is a "sweet spot" that lies between first world countries such as Canada, USA, and Western Europe, and third world disasters such as most of sub-Saharan Africa, Micronesia, Melanesia, Haiti, and others. That "sweet spot" is the middle income world - countries that are still primarily rural & agricultural, but are well governed and benefit from an increase in standard of living every year. Morocco is one of those countries.

Folks here are well-educated - there are technical colleges in every town with a population of 50,000 or more, and just about everyone is bilingual French / Arabic. For the most part, Morocco trades freely with Europe, which means it is easy to get parts. The country presents a low-tax, fairly lightly regulated environment that is favourable to small business.

It has been a delight riding here for the past 3 weeks.

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