At this point in my young life, this is the tip of the iceberg of the many reasons i really don't see letting go of my 1300.
So I elect to maintain my existing life, rather than put myself through the frustrating and ultimately fruitless pursuit of a close-enough replacement in some perceived "life after ST."
Not to mention, the lovely and unique V4 engine layout, and the sublime sound which reminds me of a Lear jet spooling up before takeoff. (Maybe it doesn't sound like that to you at all, but don't track your muddy boot prints through my imagination!)
So, knowing the obvious answer to the question, I'll just ask in an offhand manner... "where ya gonna find another ride with the combination of all these attributes so eloquently laid out for you by
@MaxPete ?"
Much less at today's prices?
[In my best courtroom lawyer voice]
Objection, your honor! Asked and answered!
[/lawyer voice]
It is much too unique and irreplaceable, except for another ST.
Ad an aside... I recall being very interested in this model back in the 2000s, but dismissed it at the time, knowing I could not begin to afford the $16k retail asking price.