Maybe it's just me, but for pleasure I think I'd rather go visit a place that wasn't actively trying to kill me. But you go and enjoy that. I bet their garage will be critter free for a decade now too. Forgive the crabbiness as it's still early in the cup. I do hope you have a great time though!Yesterday Mrs. Fun and I spent an hour or so preparing a permethrin solution and soaking our travel clothes in it. Permethrin is an insecticide / repellent; we're hoping that it will help ward off mosquitoes and therefore improve our comfort as well as reduce the chances of our contracting some exotic mosquito-borne tropical disease. It's evidently pretty nasty stuff until it dries: all prep had to be done outside, with us wearing protective gloves to avoid contact with our skin. It's also apparently highly toxic to cats in particular so we wanted to keep it away from Mulan.
The instructions said to soak clothes for a minimum of two hours, then take them out of the bag and let them air dry outdoors. They've been soaking in their sealed-up ziplock bags overnight (in a box, indoors), so that part's taken care of. However, our weather isn't conducive to outdoor clothes drying at the moment so we're going to impose on friends who have a heated garage. We'll take the sodden garments up to their place later this morning, hang or spread them on trying racks in the garage, then spend several hours enjoying the company of people we don't see often enough, then come home later this afternoon. If for some reason the clothes haven't dried by then we'll go back tomorrow to retrieve them.
35/2 here in SoMD. Expecting some rain/maybe snow later today, and then more rain/maybe snow tomorrow, but I'm not buying it. When the forecast is this wild, I just sit back and wait to see what happens. I only care if I can sell a few more snowblowers and generators to clear out some vital real estate in my garage. It is gonna get real cold here early next week though...not looking forward to that heating bill.
Did get some stuff done on the generator. Fixed the panel circuit breaker that was mashed in. The cheap plastic bar that holds them in had a void defect so it broke right there. 3D printed a new and thicker one and she's solid now. Did some painting and it'll be ready for sale soon. Other than that, eh, I guess I'll wander around the house and see what's broken to fix...besides the bike. Take care y'all!