Comedy = tragedy + time
You've got this Mark, your persistence and stick to it'ness is impressive.
You've got this Mark, your persistence and stick to it'ness is impressive.
Sometimes I have to remind myself it’s not an ordeal, it’s an adventure.
I think an adventure often starts out as a pain in the butt, and it takes a while for it to mature into an adventure.
At least some are that way.
It only becomes an Adventure when it is over and you are sitting around with your buddies and a beer recounting so called adventure. Until then it was a real Pain in the Ass.
This is FUN, innit?
Agreed. It shows you how important tires really are.Nothing better than new Shoes, put new ones on my St and still amazed how much better the bike handles.
Here's today's travel itinerary, brought to you courtesy of Uncle Google. I don't plan on breaking any land speed records, and I know I can turn 8.5 hours into 10.5 hours with no problem.
Firstly, I'm not sure the HotLanta extension is doable, the way I feel now. My back has been complaining.Strongly suggest you ride over to Atlanta before going home. Make a saddlesore out of it.
Unloaded the bike, laid out stuff so it could dry, took off my wet canvas hiking boots, and laid down on the bed about 9:30 with all my clothes on, to rest my back before getting in the shower.
Woke up to my alarm at 7am just as I had laid down... I literally did not move. Never even rolled over.
NOPE!! I do NOT work on those.Strongly suggest you ride over to Atlanta before going home.
don't show one for a GSNo more gas cap issues with this (I had one on my ST):
BMW by Oberon Performance
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Ooops, I thought the cap fit all beemersdon't show one for a GS