Rode my other bike after first time riding my st1100

I have the same experience riding my SV650 (425 lbs) after riding my ST1300 (675 lbs). A 250 pound difference is huge!
Here are my 2 bikes.C03FCE84-3064-45B6-B439-A11DD092867F.jpeg
That is my exact bike! (The ST.... ) Corbin seat with red piping, extra large windscreen.... '93 metallic red. Enjoy it! I'd look to do the 40A alternator upgrade sometime in the not too distant future. Otherwise, tires, oil, brake and standard maintenance and you can experience many years of fun touring.
That is my exact bike! (The ST.... ) Corbin seat with red piping, extra large windscreen.... '93 metallic red. Enjoy it! I'd look to do the 40A alternator upgrade sometime in the not too distant future. Otherwise, tires, oil, brake and standard maintenance and you can experience many years of fun touring.
Thanks. Been doing a lot of reserve on the bike now. Prepping for winter storage, oil change, etc…
I had to rent a 5 by 10 storage space across town for 3 months but fortunately a guy at work had a brother looking for a nice VFR800 and I was able to sell it and get most of my money out of it.
Made me chuckle when I read this Dave. It reminded me of the story of how my Brother in-law got a good deal on one of his motorcycles.
Funny thread about bike weights…I originally bought the Silverwing for the Mrs. It was for sale in the town next to mine and was of low mileage (4812 when I bought it, now has just over 9000 in 16 months since buying it). She expressed an interest in riding in the past and I thought a ‘twist and go’ scooter would be perfect for her (yes the SWing is no lightweight, but I wanted something she could keep up to me while I’m on the ST)- fast forward to the present, and she just smiles when I say try it…I suspect she thought I wanted to buy it even if it ultimately wasn’t for her- she was right! I even bought her the DMV questions for the learner’s permit- she never looked at them (it wasn’t too much cost). The SWing is lighter than the ST by maybe 200 lbs so it’s a nice lightweight (lighter weight) bike than the ST. I call it the ‘old man bike’ in that when I get older (way older) and feel I can’t handle the weight of the ST any longer, the SWing will fit the bill. I hope that day is far off in the future.
Made me chuckle when I read this Dave. It reminded me of the story of how my Brother in-law got a good deal on one of his motorcycles.
That’s a crazy story…and a great buy for whoever bought it.
You'll find after a while the big sport tourers eat up the miles effortlessly if you go out on multi day trips. The half liter bikes are a blast local. Welcome and have fun, post some picts of the bikes.
I never felt safe riding mt 11 in boston. But, once i hit the highway, all was well. As a aside, with close to 60,000 mi touring, all ii repaired was a fuse and a valve cover gasket.
I just picked up a 1972 triumph bonneville , got it running good ( carbs were way off ) it’s fun to ride, but when I hop on my st 13 the extra weight is well worth it.
... when I get older (way older) and feel I can’t handle the weight of the ST any longer, the SWing will fit the bill. I hope that day is far off in the future.

Or when the knees and hips start to give out and it starts getting painful to swing the leg OVER the seat. I feel I can still handle the weight of a ST or even maybe the newer GW, and getting either off the center stand or side stand wouldn't be much problem. But my hips (mainly) would be complaining every time I climb on or off.
Horses for courses. These bikes have widely different intended purposes, but they have one thing in common: FUN.
Very different bikes indeed. I have not yet taken my st1100 on a long ride. Can’t wait. May have missed an opportunity this season.
In my opinion, the ST has considerable weight and momentum, I'm hammering the bike around in the 130 - 140 k speed / 7,500 rpm range, it hold it's own [for lack of a better expression], very predictable, very repeatable. Perhaps not a lot of horsepower, but if you work the gears, enough torque to get around. I'm coming up [Nov 1] three years since I've got this bike, and it's been great.
In my opinion, the ST has considerable weight and momentum, I'm hammering the bike around in the 130 - 140 k speed / 7,500 rpm range, it hold it's own [for lack of a better expression], very predictable, very repeatable. Perhaps not a lot of horsepower, but if you work the gears, enough torque to get around. I'm coming up [Nov 1] three years since I've got this bike, and it's been great.
I learned quickly to drop a gear and twist!
Honestly, the only thing i disliked about my 11 is that its hard to get plastic. Over around 60,000 mi, my repairs consisted of a slightly dripping valve cover gasket and a fuse.
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