This is the copy I got about 4 days ago, it says 48 pages but they are counting front and back covers inside and out in that amount the entire magazine is all
about what you see on the cover, not much else.
This reminds me of when your favorite restaurant that yo have been going to since you were young changes hands and everything goes to hell,
The food is wrong the people are unfamiliar and then one day you go by and it is gone.... with a big sign in the window saying coming soon
Sams fish bate.
That's very true .... but it's just not the same...IMG_6928.jpeg
I'm sure @John OoSTerhuis and I are not the only ones here who lament the passing of MCN. I don't subscribe to Rider print, as I can see them all at the MSF training facility I frequent. It's the only print rag available of all the "majors" in the day.
Along with MCN, I miss the Peterson's Cycle magazine of yore, and Kevin Cameron's TDC column and Peter Egan's. I bought both Egan's books, and liked both, and I need to get Cameron's book as well. As I've stated previously, I never appreciated Cameron's technical articles when I was much younger, but now have come to appreciate them for his explanations of how engineering and design influence the suck-squeeze-bang-blow process that makes our wheels (and our worlds) go round.
Print may not be officially dead, but it's barely breathing.
Give their subscription department a call. I was able to get my subscription sorted out by calling them.

I noticed how few pages the first couple of issues had this year, but they have improved as the year has gone on.
Yes, call them to get print copies. They wouldn’t send me back issues of the months I’d gotten the digital versions, but did extend my subscription that many more months. FWIW

I called Rider but got their voicemail so I emailed them. I got this reply and hour later:
Good Afternoon Jerry,

Rider had an interruption in printing and mailing but we have resumed print. Digital issues were offered during this time. I will provide links to the digital issues you may have missed. Your subscription will be extended for the missed issues and you should begin receiving print copies in the mail starting with the next issue. Your updated expiration is May of 2022. Please let me know if there is anything else I might be able to help you with. Have a great day.
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