Ride For Cambodia?

. We may have to digest this scene in order that we are not taken by surprise when a child wrenches our bikes
Same thing in India, pull into a small shop and chances are a kid will work on your vehicle, apprenticeship starts early. Last time I was there I had a flat on a tubless tire just out side a small village in the Himalaya. Young boy looks at the tire and tells me it istoo big to patch. Kid sends me down the street to buy a tube (Rs. 400=$5), and then charged me Rs.200($4) to take off wheel, dismount tire, install tube and tire, mount back on Explorer! I gave him Rs.300 tip. You should have seen the puzzeled look on his face!:D
Glad George made it allright. Keep sharing the daily experiences and pictures!
Karen I told Danny, diesel make his butt look fat, watcha think?? Or does he require more megapixels??


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Nightlife came and went...didn't know you guys were interested in seductive young ladies vying for old farang dudes attention while balancing on not much more than 6 inch FM pumps. :shrug1: ;)

We are leaving tomorrow for PP on Bangkok Airways so maybe when we get back through Bangkok we'll shoot for the spice on Picasa. Maybe get a STOC tag shot with the girls. For now we're staying PG.

After a really nice reunion breakfast, George, Dace, and Ken went out for their immunity shots. Joe and I are watching the store, getting lunch and a massage. Then we need to neaten up this room and put stuff in bags again. :)

We are going with the flight to PP to make up the time that George lost in transit. Ken is going by bus tomorrow morning and will meet us there.
Ken didn't go with for the shots, but Dace and I took the water taxi south and east, then local taxi to the Red Cross. Wouldn't ya know, they are out of Typhoid vaccine too. Got Japanes encephalitis and a couple other things. I'm really not worried. We walked back to the river and caught the water taxi again, got a fresh coconut and now recharging (literally) our batteries.

I'll post some pics later but they'll mostly just reflect what Danny and Joe have poSTed so far.

We're off on an adventure. :D
The team unites as a unit, repleat with specialist on every aspect of third world motorcycling...at least I HOPE that individual shows up soon, whoever they may be.:rolleyes:


Droid S 3 & TT2
What a crew...no good can come of this! Though I bet a lot of fun does!!! :D

Have fun and be safe...I'll be watching for every update, though I'm sure they will be less often once the trek is underway.
Wonder if they still be doing the Group Hug thing a few weeks from now...Ride. I am soooo jealous, well not really, of yuose guys. Need to start saving my pennies.
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