Real Saturday Café.

Happy shortest day of the year...!!!!

They all get longer from here till June.

Overcast and foggy and rain later, mid 30s.

Wife leaves for a few days to see mother, I stay home to babysit the antique dog who can't do stairs any more and travel would be hard on her. Over 85 in dog years....... She's a good girl.......

Hope everyone has a super Saturday.
Morning Ray, Martin, Dave & the rest of you all, from sunny, but not warm, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 39F, up from 22F and heading for 59F. No breeze yet, but later we'll see some winds out of the S @ 10 to 14 mph. And right now, the weather guessers are trying to decide if we'll get a little snow on Wednesday morning. Which would be great, since we'll have three of our grand kids here. :pray1:

It was nice getting some riding in yesterday. 105 miles total, between the two bikes. :dr13: :bl13: :hat3:

I'm hoping that Brett and I will put a few miles on them while he is here next week.

I'm sure Chris has plenty planned for today, cleaning up the place in preparation of them coming on Monday.

Hot cereal with toast & OJ. Pepsi(s) to come later.

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Dark and -5C here. The snow has pretty much stopped. The yard's been snow blown once again. No videos, as well, it's all dark. :)
I didn't have to redo the neighbour's as someone else came and did it with their tractor mounted blower. Those things are quick!
Temps are headed downward through tonight with temps around -17C. That'll freeze your britches.
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