Old Enough To Remember?

Give me a minute and I'll start up one of my three desktops...

When DOS 5.0 came out, there was a review in the Boeing computer club magazine. It broke down the commands into three categories. One, the commands you needed to know. Okay, I was good there. Two, the commands only power users would care to know. Wow!, I used those two. Then he listed the commands no one needed to know. I read those and said to myself, I use those all the time!

Those were the good ol' days...

All pennies were wheatback. Steel Pennies. All dimes, quarters, 50 cent pieces were silver. The dentist drill whistled like a banshee. The dentist gave you a lollipop. Sitting in a class corner with gum on your nose. Locking the front door and leaving the back unlocked. Your parents driving a 50 something Belair or a 60 something Impala. Friendly neighbors. Tops, yo-yo’s, gyroscopes, clackers. Patches. Deep fryers. Your mom and dad.
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My grandfather was a barber, born 1888. I asked him about the roaring twenties. He worked in a two chair shop in Cleveland, got an offer at a six chair, turned it down. Within a month the six chair shop was blown up by a bomb through the front door. o_O
On inflation he said as a boy he would buy bread two loaves for a penny. I corrected him that he meant 2 cents a loaf. He said no, two loaves for a penny! That may have been Sicily, I didn’t ask.

His razor, now over 100. I wonder how many shaves has it seen?
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