Hi Folks, I just got my ST1100 back from the shop Yesterday - I have owned the bike for 5 weeks total (3 weeks at shopt waiting for parts) and have ridden it for like just 4 days (I had an oil leak by alternator) it is fixed now - I bought the bike on consignment from a used dealer and service center - they did all the work at no charge including the parts, everything was at no cost to me - the bike only had 1 owner, and now me...
It's a 98 black ST1100 in stellar condtion - I mean it is like new folks - anyway, it has 52K on it - when I ride on the express way or freeway - or even on streets the temp is normal around 1/4 or a little bit more on the Temp Gauge not much though - However, when in traffic and stopped alot - It starts to climb to 3/4 on the temp guage and settles -
Is this normal?:
Can anyone share their experience or tell me what is normal or abnormal Temp Gauge wise -
Anyone input would be greatly appreciated -
It's a 98 black ST1100 in stellar condtion - I mean it is like new folks - anyway, it has 52K on it - when I ride on the express way or freeway - or even on streets the temp is normal around 1/4 or a little bit more on the Temp Gauge not much though - However, when in traffic and stopped alot - It starts to climb to 3/4 on the temp guage and settles -
Is this normal?:
Can anyone share their experience or tell me what is normal or abnormal Temp Gauge wise -
Anyone input would be greatly appreciated -