Normal Temp Gauge readings???

May 2, 2013
New England Area
Hi Folks, :) I just got my ST1100 back from the shop Yesterday - I have owned the bike for 5 weeks total (3 weeks at shopt waiting for parts) and have ridden it for like just 4 days (I had an oil leak by alternator) it is fixed now - I bought the bike on consignment from a used dealer and service center - they did all the work at no charge including the parts, everything was at no cost to me - the bike only had 1 owner, and now me...

It's a 98 black ST1100 in stellar condtion - I mean it is like new folks - anyway, it has 52K on it - when I ride on the express way or freeway - or even on streets the temp is normal around 1/4 or a little bit more on the Temp Gauge not much though - However, when in traffic and stopped alot - It starts to climb to 3/4 on the temp guage and settles - :04biker:

Is this normal?:eek::

Can anyone share their experience or tell me what is normal or abnormal Temp Gauge wise -

Anyone input would be greatly appreciated -

Hey Dan, Congrats on your "new" STeed! I also ride a Black '98 and you'll be happy to know that yours is acting just like it should. Normal temps when riding are just to the right side of the low mark. Whenever you stop and idle or get stuck in traffic the temp will creep up to around half or 3/4 which is when it will trigger the fan and it will drop back down to half or so. This is all totally normal. These bikes have a habit of running cold sometimes which is an indicator that the thermostat is stuck open (mine was like this when I got it). From your description though, your cooling system is behaving properly... now go ride!!
I have no experience with the ST1100, but my ST1300 has (and my old GL500 had) rock-solid temperature under all riding conditions. The only exception is that I had to block the GL's radiator with cardboard when riding below about 0 F. If your temperature gauge is moving I would suspect a problem but, as I say, that's based on experience with other Hondas, not the 1100.
I agree with Slasher. My 91 will run just to the left of center on the open road. In town it goes higher with the fan
kicking on at the 3/4 mark. The fan shuts off at the center & we are good to ride. Just changed out the thermostat a few weeks ago as
a bit of TLC. The bike has over 80K miles on it so I sprang do the new part. Better safe than sorry.
Your 1100 sounds fine to me. GO RIDE.
Fan triggers on mine just prior to the halfway mark. Last fall, replaced coolant elbows and replaced intake boots at same time along with new radiator cap. Ambient outside temps of 90degree, temp gauge runs 1/3 of way to halfway mark. Sitting in traffic approx. same ouside temps, fan kicks on prior to halfway mark and never goes above that, no matter what riding cond. are or high outside temps. This IS normal. Temps going above halfway mark and beyond indicate a cooling issue, such as sealing rubber gasket in top of cap having cracks, or related not totally holding pressure when hot.My bikes temp. varying over a period of three yrs. with several LD (2000+mi.) gradually got worse till coolant elbows began to show drips under bike, along with dried coolant around radiator cap.........definitely wiil sneak up on you as a gradual issue becoming worse, with a combined gradual drop in mileage and overall smoothness. The smoothness loss isn't noticed over time, till all is right again, then it is easily noticed. Just my experience with a cooling issue that'll definitely sneak up on you over time.;)
I have no experience with the ST1100, but my ST1300 has (and my old GL500 had) rock-solid temperature under all riding conditions. The only exception is that I had to block the GL's radiator with cardboard when riding below about 0 F. If your temperature gauge is moving I would suspect a problem but, as I say, that's based on experience with other Hondas, not the 1100.

Well, duh! Some days are just harder than others.

You'll be pleased to know it's the same as my 98 with the same mileage. Just into the normal range then up to 2/3 when in heavy traffic, then the fan kicks in. GO RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT!!!
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My '98 reads the same, too. When i got it several years ago, I thought the thermostat was stuck open because the temp gage barely got into the "normal" range while cruising. I replaced the thermostat ( with a Stant for a Honda auto ) and there was no change. I was hoping the temp would read more towards the center when crusing. I guess the next step would be to actually measure the water temp - but I'm not too concerned. My gut tells me the gage should read more towards the center, but I'll live with it the way it is. I know what the "normal" reading is - just into the "normal' range. In town/stopped the temp rises and the fan kicks on and the temp then decreases, too - just like it should.
My '98 reads the same, too. When i got it several years ago, I thought the thermostat was stuck open because the temp gage barely got into the "normal" range while cruising. I replaced the thermostat ( with a Stant for a Honda auto ) and there was no change. I was hoping the temp would read more towards the center when crusing. I guess the next step would be to actually measure the water temp - but I'm not too concerned. My gut tells me the gage should read more towards the center, but I'll live with it the way it is. I know what the "normal" reading is - just into the "normal' range. In town/stopped the temp rises and the fan kicks on and the temp then decreases, too - just like it should.

Jim, when my thermostat was stuck open the temp gauge wouldn't even get into the normal range while the bike was moving. It stayed on the low line. It also got terrible gas mileage-low 30's.
Thanks for the help folks - The Temp seems to settle around 3/4 in streets in heavy stop and go traffic and when I move a block or two it goes down to 1/2 mark - then back up again - 3/4 if I am stopping and going alot - Just regular riding around with normal stops and no real heavy traffic - it stay right around the 1/4 mark all the time on the Temp gauge...

I also forgrot to mention that they replaced a radiator elbow too - they got the part from honda - there are no leaks of any sort, nice and tight - the bike is stellar - Hopefully I should put a pic or two on the site -

All the best,
I live and ride in the desert a lot on the ST1100s we've had since '01.
The gauge indicates above the left side mark when moving in the morning a bit to the right of that in the afternoon.
When stopped at a light after getting off the freeway, after work last night, I noted that it got to about the same distance from the right before the fan clicked on and cooled it down a bit.

If your gauge gets into the hot zone, then you start to hunt for an issue..

So; I'm in the 'Go Ride' a lot more group... ;)
Thanks for the help folks - The Temp seems to settle around 3/4 in streets in heavy stop and go traffic and when I move a block or two it goes down to 1/2 mark - then back up again - 3/4 if I am stopping and going alot - Just regular riding around with normal stops and no real heavy traffic - it stay right around the 1/4 mark all the time on the Temp gauge...

I also forgrot to mention that they replaced a radiator elbow too - they got the part from honda - there are no leaks of any sort, nice and tight - the bike is stellar - Hopefully I should put a pic or two on the site -

All the best,

If they replaced one cooling elbow I hope the replaced both. Cheap part but a lot of work to get to.
Go Ride!
I'm with everyone else. My 91 does just about the same way. So as the majority rules--GO RIDE!!!!!!!
Slasher :

Thanks for that confirmation.

What kind of mileage do you get with your '98 ? I'm getting about 43 mpg @ 78-82 MPH hauling my considerable arse around. When I went around all 5 Great Lakes two seasons ago, about 50/50 two-lane and 75 mph on the freeways, I got an average of 46mpg.
Add my vote to the crowd saying this is normal. My '98 temp gage does exactly the same.

Just got back from 2,600 mile ride. My best mpg was 49 mpg when I was riding roads with max speed limits of 50 mph. Worst was 43 mpg on interstates running 75 - 80 mph. And I was also hauling 'considerable' weight. :D

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
The ST1100's normal engine operating temp is 180 to 190 degrees, the fans come on around 220 deg. Sounds like your bike is operating like it should, The ST's typically run a little warm, not to worry though, just make sure the coolant level in the resvoir is where it should be and the coolant is changed every 12000 miles or every 2 years whichever comes first.
Slasher :

Thanks for that confirmation.

What kind of mileage do you get with your '98 ? I'm getting about 43 mpg @ 78-82 MPH hauling my considerable arse around. When I went around all 5 Great Lakes two seasons ago, about 50/50 two-lane and 75 mph on the freeways, I got an average of 46mpg.

If I set the cruise control (I highly recommend that farkle) to 75ish I will get 47 MPG all day long. Gives me a nice 300 mile range. More spirited riding without the cruise on it drops a little. When I first got the bike it had a giant XL clearview windscreen and a stuck thermostat and I got 36 :-( Glad I got that fixed!
I have what's commonly referred to as the Audiovox CCS-100. It is an old school, vacuum cruise control designed for use on a car. It's use on ST-1100's has been perfected by numerous members of this site. I personally used John Oosterhuis's install (with great support from John himself!) which made it a pretty straight forward affair. Audiovox no longer sells the CCS-100 but the company that used to make them for Audiovox (Rostra) now makes them for a guy who runs a website called "Murphs kits". That is where I got mine from. Murph is mainly a Concours guy but he is great to deal with. Here is a link to the cruise from murph
I also bought his vacuum canister to use with the cruise. (Helps hold speed in the mountains).
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