Monday Start Café, 02/17.

Morning all! It's grey and wet out there and will remain so for the rest of the day. It's 5C right now with a high of 7C to come.

Not much going on, still fighting the plague with assorted meds and naps. I like the naps part the best. Have decided to shelve any other pressing matters for another day, you say procrastination, I say judicious use of internal resources.

Patty, I hope you made the dentist ok, my daughter sent me pictures from her apartment as well as the forecast. 70 kph winds plus snow equal no thanks!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Weather update: Winds are 26 gusting to 39. That's making the -8 feel like -17. Overcast and snowing on and off, with the winds making it whip and blizzardish. WHat we got yesterday and overnight was mostly freezing rain, rain and ice pellets, and it's now frozen solid.

We watched one of the neighbourhood cats get blown across the yard in the wind gusts, as everything is ice. He's fine, just had no way to stop himself sliding.

If it was snow, it's now skatable snow ice. If it was bare, it's now skatable ice.

I had to clean the back stairs with a hammer to break up the ice. I tried a 1x1 metal drop compactor but that did nothing. I found my missing ice chipper when I was done, as Thing1 had it in his section of the garagemahall.

I tried the snowblower set down into "dig" mode to see if I could deal with the driveways and the end of the yard where the snowplow has left an ice berm, but with no luck.

I think I've got about 60kg of salt down and 20kg of sand so far.

She's pretty, but nasty underfoot. Think I'll need to break out my ice cleats!

A nice excursion somewhere warm would be most welcome right about now!
Good afternoon everyone

Thanks for the coffee Ray.

I was reading the weather is pretty wild Stateside so if that's you watch ya backs.

It's actually sunny and cheery-looking here, if a bit blowy and chilly. The 38 Fahrenheits feel like only 28 under the influence of the wind.

Keith, I hope the rest of your trip home goes smoothly and is thoroughly devoid of any 'incidents' whatsoever.

We're back home with no further incidents, thanks no doubt to @Peppermint and her splendid benediction.

Nearly time to call it a day, as my body clock is 12 hours ahead of my wristwatch at the moment. I'll try to hold out for another few hours but expect to succumb early.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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