Log in Scam?

Same happening at parking garages these days, the operators force their clients to use a proprietary payment app and have pretty much stopped to install/provide the cash/credit card machines at the exit...

I did get taken for about $45 about a year ago trying to log into an app to pay for parking, funny thing there was that, at the moment of payment, it clicked and I realized it. I just stopped eveything and called my cc isuer and said I just got hosed. They said after a bit of verification that, yup, you got hosed, for $45. They resolved it and there was no problem, but the lesson was clear.

In this particular instance, I think I jumped the gun; I did get the prompt to log in as new user at the other site, but that might have to do with it not seeing my mac address in some time. I did get a specific advertisement attachment each time though, which I never used to get [any]. Anyway I made a post and got good feedback from a couple members on that site so all seems good.

[added] then, when I returned to that location and had to pay for parking, I let my office handle it and they initially had problems reaching the legitimate site through the information super garbageway.
An older woman here got one of those your Grandson has been arrested send bail money phone call scams. She had the presence of mine to tell them that she is old and therefore doesn't do online banking so they will have to come and pick the money up at her house. They agreed! She got off the phone with them and called the Police and told them what was happening. Incredibly they did show up at her house to get the money but they were greeted by Policeman who were there waiting for them. Good on her I say.
Invitation to one's house? I don't think so.
Glad she got lucky and it worked out. This time.
I only hit the highlights. There were phone calls between her and the Police organizing this before between her making arrangements for the scammers to come to her house. She knew in advance that the Police would be there in place waiting to arrest these people when they showed up. I doubt that she would have invited them to her house otherwise. It isn't as though she was increasing her risk by giving them her address if that is what you mean. They already knew her name, where she lived, etc.. Basic information like that doesn't seem to difficult for them to get a hold of nowadays unfortunately.
... well, maybe younger, and you know, and more, for sure they're more...
Come on, Chris, admit it, for sure they are better looking.....

One thing to never forget about scammers, is that con men (and women) HAVE to be good, or they fall by the wayside quickly. They have to be personable, smart, polite, friendly, articulate, etc. They are the kind of folks you want to trust. Many people who have been taken are also smart, well educated and would never think they would fall for some crazy story from someone on the phone. But..there are dozens of stories that prove otherwise.
One thing to never forget about scammers, is that con men (and women) HAVE to be good, or they fall by the wayside quickly. They have to be personable, smart, polite, friendly, articulate, etc. They are the kind of folks you want to trust. Many people who have been taken are also smart, well educated and would never think they would fall for some crazy story from someone on the phone. But..there are dozens of stories that prove otherwise.
Sounds a lot like Amway people.
NEVER respond to anything you didn't request. Not anywhere........jmmfngf
Newest thing over here: calls spoofing a number from UK...
+44 7351 912318
+44 7541 905875
A recorded female voice claims this is about a job offer, "inviting" you to add their phone no to your WhatsApp contacts enabling them to send you information and application forms...
Either they'll "invite" to a task-scam, or send a link which would download and install phishing malware on your phone...
Or you've a "missed call", returning it ends you up with huge phone fees...
Even the mobile phone providers send out warnings about this...
Sounds a lot like Amway people.
Like the line in the godfather movie about the people that do you in, can't quite think of it, something like "... they come to you as your friends..."
Watching the old Tupperware propaganda movie with Anita Bryant as a draw for one of the conventions always reminds me of a girl I used to date that was mixed up with the Mary Kay system. I often wonder if she ever got that Pink Cadilac.
A lot of scams are like a lot of purchases; catalyzed through personal relationships, but eventually made with someone else's hard earned dough.
I love talking to phone scammers. I make up my own language, drives em nuts. Had one company who seemingly put a language expert on me....he couldn't figure out where I was from.....I guess I sounded convincing.....
I love talking to phone scammers. I make up my own language, drives em nuts. Had one company who seemingly put a language expert on me....he couldn't figure out where I was from.....I guess I sounded convincing.....
... i love winding them up as well...lol
I used to get the callers once or twice a week when I had a landline, but since I have went to cell only, I rarely get a call from scammers or sales people. I kinda miss it at times...LOL
I don't waste my time on scammers. There's little to no ROI and I'm not easily amused.
Chatting with them may no longer be a good idea. They record the call and use AI to duplicate your voice to scam other people pretending to be you. Apparently they need as little as something like 15 words from your voice.
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