known st1300 problems

What he said. On the whole, the ST (either of 'em) is a solid bike. and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

Move it all you like; just make sure you go in once every year or two and get the exposed bits cleaned and lubed. Again, it's not a common problem.

Any recommended Lube/grease? for this?
And I thought the bmw boxer problem with rear drive was a bummer. that is quite a list. So to clarify, I am assuming you are saying
1. the windshield gear stripping is result of just moving it up and down. Ok I won't move it.
That'd do the trick. It does take some time before it manifests. The less you move the windshield, the longer it would take.

2. coolant leak. Easy one time fix? cheap?
Yes, very easy. Tighten hose clamps.

3. rear wheel bearing failure. under warranty, early mileage?
Dunno. I put 56k on my first STeed, no rear wheel bearing failure, nor with STeed2.

4. pull to right. ?
Haven't experienced it with either my first STeed ('04, pictured in my avatar), or my current STeed, an '06.

5. wobble. i read all about the easy fix on the forum to reinstall front wheel correctly.
Haven't experienced.

6. heat. i don't like being hot, but hey, if it's hot outside...
ATGATT makes a big difference, beyond that, 'tis personal preference and individual bike idiosyncracies.

The concours i think i have just about eliminated from the selection process because of "fit and finish". It seems to me older models really look bad, the ones I've seen. Can't put my finger on it. Paint, cheap plastic ?

The older Concours, i.e. the 1000, looks dated, and too often came in some variation of that dreadful poopy brown that the Japanese manufacturers slapped on gobs of bikes in the 80s and into the 90s.

When I crashed and totalled my first ST (no fault of the bike, btw, all on me), I set out in search of another ST. Had I not been able to find one, I may have considered an FJR1300. The old Connie was a complete non-starter for me, and the new Connie (aka C14) just didna fit me right.

I do have my gripes about the ST, but even with those in mind it still tops it's competitors in my book.
And I thought the bmw boxer problem with rear drive was a bummer. that is quite a list. So to clarify, I am assuming you are saying
1. the windshield gear stripping is result of just moving it up and down. Ok I won't move it.
2. coolant leak. Easy one time fix? cheap?
3. rear wheel bearing failure. under warranty, early mileage?
4. pull to right. ?
5. wobble. i read all about the easy fix on the forum to reinstall front wheel correctly.
6. heat. i don't like being hot, but hey, if it's hot outside...

The concours i think i have just about eliminated from the selection process because of "fit and finish". It seems to me older models really look bad, the ones I've seen. Can't put my finger on it. Paint, cheap plastic ?

I have had several concourse 1000 one of which a 93 model I rode for 17 years and we'll over 100,000 miles with no major issues at all the luggage mounts could have been better designed but it is a dependable bike easy to maintain and with some mods and aftermarket gear just as comfy to ride as a any other tourer
I am assuming you are saying
1. the windshield gear stripping is result of just moving it up and down
That's a stretch of editorializing someone's statement. That's like saying you'll cause engine damage just by driving it.

Parts wear. It happens. The problem with the ST powered windshield is replacement parts aren't available with one possible small exception. The tracks or gear wears and you need to scavenge them (not all that easy anymore) or by a new system at ~$400. Who knows how long Honda will have them. After that it's ebay n Pray.

So don't use it at all if you don't want to. Or don't using when underway at speed as it loads the windshield and could strain the mechanism unduly. I don't raise mind about 40mph or drop it above 60. Arbitrary points on my part.Don't put a spinnaker windshield on it. Clean and lube the gear and tracks maybe once a year maybe two depending on your riding conditions. A modest amount of due diligence and the mechanism may outlive your time on the bike.
From what I've read and experienced these are the most common issues:

* thermostate sticking
* electric windshield gears stripping
* misc coolant leaks
* rear wheel bearing failure
* bike pulls to the right
* high speed wobble
* high heat from engine

Not all ST's have these issues and it's a great commuter.

Regarding the problem of electric windshield gears stripping ---I noticed that my 2007 ST 1300 windshield was reluctant to raise when cruising at highway speeds.

It happened a couple times. I don't remember what speed I was going exactly but I was generally going 75 to 85 mph for most of that trip. It works fine and has a much wider range of motion when it's sitting still at a red light.

I guess the wind pressure can bind the movement of the windshield up and down its track, which in turn can overstress the electric motor and burn it out.
Regarding the problem of electric windshield gears stripping ---I noticed that my 2007 ST 1300 windshield was reluctant to raise when cruising at highway speeds.

It happened a couple times. I don't remember what speed I was going exactly but I was generally going 75 to 85 mph for most of that trip. It works fine and has a much wider range of motion when it's sitting still at a red light.

I guess the wind pressure can bind the movement of the windshield up and down its track, which in turn can overstress the electric motor and burn it out.
I've been cautioned to not cycle the windscreen while moving by several guys with ST experience so I won't. However should the day arrive that the gear were to strip, someone has uploaded a fìle to print a replacement here.

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PS: the owners manual does not caution against raising or lowering the windscreen at any speed.
There's just no mention of it at all.

Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The manual doesn’t say anything about it, but plenty of people have stripped the gears.
I had, at one time, a copy of a magazine or newsletter put out by the Iron Butt Association. I remember an article concerning an ST1100. It seems that a chapter, I believe in Ireland, had acquired an ST1100 as loaner bike with the express intent of seeing how many kilometers it could rack up and at what expense. The bike was already rather high mileage when it was purchased. The only thing that went wrong was a blown hose at which point all the coolant hoses were replaced. I know that this antidote is about an ST1100 but it stand to reason the the same weak point might be shared with a high mileage ST1300.
It would have to be printed of something rather sturdy.
I'd be aiming for nylon or polycarbonate: PLA is too weak for anything encountering mechanical stresses. There are many materials available for 3D printing these days. Of course, if one constantly cycles the windscreen the chance of failure will be higher. Metal 3D printing is an option but it may be expensive. OEM ìs the aways the preferred option but may not be available.
I found this thread on a German ST forum regarding the spindle:
I don't know about poly-carbonate as I have no experience with it. I would be surprised if nylon would survive long term.

In case you are not aware there is a repair kit available for the ST1300 windshield mechanism now that includes a new spiral gear.


I don't know about poly-carbonate as I have no experience with it. I would be surprised if nylon would survive long term.

In case you are not aware there is a repair kit available for the ST1300 windshield mechanism now that includes a new spiral gear.


This kit is nice (almost $300 CAD shipped) but I can print the gear for under a buck or splurge and have it made in sintered steel for about $40 if I ever need one. ;)
I don't cycle the windscreen every time I ride so if I ever make a replacement gear and it fails, I'll print another one or leave the windscreen in a fixed position.
p.s. I wouldn't risk 3D printing on anything structural or safety related: this is a convenience item.

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Unless I missed it, I'm shocked that no one has mentioned the SMC failures which to me seem to be the most common complaint/question I read about on here. So much so that one member earned a stellar reputation with a white courtesy phone for dealing with the problem.

I put 110,00 miles on mine. No water leaks, did have the original thermostat 2 bar 3 bar dance issue (replaced thermostat), no bearing failures, no rear end or drive shaft/spline issues, did have a headlight bulb go out which seems to be a common issue (replaced by my brother's skinny hands). Heat never bothered me since I wore real motorcycle riding pants, but even though I had the SMC serviced regularly because I knew it was a common issue, it still locked up on me when my wife and I were out riding. Nice long curvy black skid mark on the road that I wasn't expecting and scared the crap out of me. After that I couldn't trust the bike and moved on to an FJR.
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