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Probably not the best pic. I just grabbed one out of the pile of 85 photos submitted. Multiple pics with and without luggage, tire codes, all serial numbers, frame, motor, cold start video, riding video, the works. Thought I learned a lot from my first listing with them. I don't have to sell the bike but could use the extra room. Have owned six of these K/RS bikes over the years with 250K miles on them. Did my Bun Burner Gold on a 1986 model so have a soft spot for these bikes. This is far and away the nicest of the bunch. That riding position is not as comfy as it once was when I was a younger pup.Interesting... sounds like you covered my possible obstacle. Maybe they have a simple algorithm into which they feed certain data. I could be wrong, but I don't think the resident bike guy/gal is that broadly knowledgeable. I used to frequently catch mistakes in their descriptions despite the copywriter supposedly getting the details from the seller before posting the listing.
Respectfully, assuming you provided the photos, how was your image-based curb appeal? No offense intended, but the image you imbedded above was a bit mundane for that bike. I've only sold one high end vehicle on BaT at a time there were a lot of them in the used market, and my reserve was a bit on the high side as a reflection of low mileage and condition, but they accepted it immediately and listed it faster than normal. I did make sure to provide very nice photos of the car, and I made sure they were better than that of the photographer they were intending to send over. Not sure if this would make a difference for you, but based on their reply, I disagree with the validity of their rejection (not that it matters).
Previous bike I sold on BAT was in front of the same building for pics. I also included some pics of it at the Cadillac Ranch. Maybe I need to add graffiti pics and they will accept.
Apparently I need more curation for acceptance, whatever that is.