Just put a deposit on a 2012 ST1300 with 3,600 miles


Nice find. I have thought about trying to find a low mileage 2012 at a decent price to replace my 06 with 83,000 miles on it, but guys keep telling me to just keep riding the 06 as it's not close to worn out yet. Unbelievable how durable these units are.
Nice find. I have thought about trying to find a low mileage 2012 at a decent price to replace my 06 with 83,000 miles on it, but guys keep telling me to just keep riding the 06 as it's not close to worn out yet. Unbelievable how durable these units are.

If you really want a new bike, buy some new plastic for your current bike! Almost as good! ;)
I picked my bike at the shop Christmas day. I rode maybe a total of 60 miles. Very easy bike to ride and surprised at how unaffected it was by my gravel driveway. I rode to the get plates and register the bike yesterday. Changed oil and filter. I expected to see that silvery residue in the oil from brake-in but I figure had been changed and showed no signs of initial brake-in oil.
Ran to the store loaded up the bakes and too another short ride. Figuring out heat height, pre-load and damping
Can't wait for warm, I hate riding cold.
I like the bike!
.........Figuring out heat height, pre-load and damping.........

I like the bike!
The preload adjuster on many ST1300's has developed a large amount of air in the system and will not begin applying preload until many turns of the wheel which of course reduces the full amount of preload travel that was designed into the shock. Back the wheel out fully counterclockwise then check how many clicks or turns CW it takes to develop any resistance. The link below is to a sticky that shows how to remove the air in the system and restore full preload travel of 36 clicks/18 CW turns. The standard preload setting for a 150 lb rider is 7 clicks or 3 1/2 turns clockwise but conventional wisdom after all these years is that the ST1300 is prone to a weave at high speed and the weave can be reduced or eliminated by adding two or three times the standard preload of 7 turns and of course heavier riders will need more than the 150 lb standard setting from the get go. Subsequent posts in the thread shows how to service the adjuster without removing the shock from the bike

The standard damping setting is one turn in CW from fully screwed out. Fully CCW is Soft and fully CW is Hard. On a standard shock I like 1 to 1.5 turns in from fully Soft. I included a link to a video on damping adjustment effects.


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