Its just too much light...

And ain't only the LED headlights that are a massive nuisance, also piercing tail & brake lights are a PITA...
I have found that many newer cars have extremely small surface area tail lights. Because they are LED they are ridiculously bright at night to the point of being blinding if you are directly behind them when they apply the brakes. At the same time they are so small that you barely see the brake lights come on in the bright sun light- there just isn't enough illuminated area to make them stand out when it is very bright out. That just seems like a poorly engineered light assembly to me.

Another thing that mystifies me with the introduction of LED lights is the flashing emergency lights on police, ambulance, tow trucks, etc.. If you come upon an accident scene on a dark highway at night the flashing LED lights are so bright that they are blinding to the point of seriously impairing your view of where you are going. It is beyond me how blinding drivers who are approaching an accident scene at highway speeds makes any sense and increases anyone's safety.
I've to agree wholeheartedly...

Its one thing in a car where you might only hit something, but on a motorcycle when even the road surface itself is the first source of danger... everything drowns in glaring "whiteout"...
Despite enjoying such tremendously in previous years, I've started to despite and avoid rides during dawn and night hours... even worse in precipitation with wet surfaces and droplets on the visor...

Technically is the design a noticeable step backwards, like the petroleum lamps on like a Ford T or the sealed beam used from the 40ies to the 80ies, is there no downward aimed LOW beam...
They burn just straight, across the full diameter of reflector and lens aperture, either 'extreme dazzling' (LOW?!), or 'hyper dazzling' (HIGH!!)... like looking right into a welding-arc, leading to corneal inflammation...

Just this morning I had a Volvo EV SUV behind me over quite some distance; that flickering due the obviously bad suspension causing pretty much all EV's to bounce along didn't make it any better...

I've noticed too that the drivers side headlight is set marginally higher than the one on the passenger side.
Are any of these crazy new car headights capable of being aimed or are they in a fixed position?

I also pretty much stay off the roads at night any more.
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