Is the classic sport-touring motorcycle doomed to extinction?

Having extra weight makes a difference. When I weighed 385, I was always warm. Not anymore!
I used to outdoor archery target shoot with a guy we called Big Ben. It would be January, near freezing, snow flurrying, and Ben would be shooting in a short sleeve cotton dress type shirt unbuttoned halfway down. I don't think he felt the cold air at all. It was amazing. He hated the heat of summer though. (same outfit only wet with sweat)
I'm not interested in owning a Harley, heck I could own 2 bikes for the same total weight but it does interest me that I'm seeing more RoadGlides on the road and being used like a motorcycle should be.

I was riding an RT from Idaho to Wisconsin first week in April a couple years back and I went south around the Rockies. It was cold too. Ran into 4 guys on Harleys, Buffalo Soldiers MC headed back to Chicago at a gas stop stop. I had heated grips heated vest and I was chilled after several hours in the 30s. They had done similar mileage with no heated grips or gear! As they say there is always somebody tougher.
385 , how tall are you Larry?
I used to be 6'3", but now I'm more like 6'1". I seem to lose a little with each joint replacement.

I had around a 52" waist back then, too; now I'm about 235-240 lb and have a 38 to 40" waist.

Another benefit is my blood pressure is always around 110-120 over 60-72, pulse around 60.
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