Hip R&R

I went for my first out-patient therapy yesterday morning. I did about 45 minutes of exercises which wasn't difficult, then went to two places to do some shopping for a job. I brought what I bought to the job, and that's when the morning workout caught up to me. It wasn't painful, but I felt tired and a little sore.

So, I picked up some lunch on the way home and rested for the remainder of the day. Today I feel much better, still feel a little soreness, but I'm glad I have the weekend to rest up and recover for my next session on Monday. I still feel so much better than before, and I'm so happy to have gotten through the worst.
When i was a kid, i worked in the hospitals. Between getting men out of bed for the first time after hip surgery and passing kidney stones, i saw a ton of grown men cry. Good to see you are recovering.
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