I've used the photo-every-xx-seconds several times, and then speed them up a timeline in a NLE*, so as to appear like a timelapse.
Benefit of the Sony FDR-X3000R is the small remote with TFT screen, enabling checking proper camera positioning and access to menu and controls...
The phone app WiFi remote is even more sophisticated in this regard, a second app further enables download, some editing and uploading (short) footage right on the spot...
I use Camtasia, and others, for editing.
*Non-linear editing is a form of offline editing for audio, video, and image editing. In offline editing, the original content is not modified in the course of editing. In non-linear editing, edits are specified and modified by specialized software.
I used to run Power Director (it was the only decent priced editing software supporting _64 bit OS), but they've changed to a 365 cloud based, monthly/annual payment policy...
Award-winning Windows and mobile apps. Video & photo editing. Video playback via online, DVD & Blu-ray. Video conferencing, livecasting, online chat, mobile.
My favorite alternative therefore:
Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor for Windows, Mac and Linux
FOC, offline, all local on my drive, intuitive, even my GF manages to work with it...
But there is the crux:
Having camera/s installed and running is one thing...
Connecting the netbook every evening to transfer their microSD content onto a portable 1TB SSD another...
The aftermath to wade through hundreds of takes, select, cut, rename, relocate into a work-folder to then combine those (someday) finally into decent artwork is the killer tough...
I faced a major issue with D/SLR already: do I
ride or do I gaze and take photos... a significant conflict... those activities actually exclude each other...
Filming appears even more complex to me, I'd have to plan the tours by a storyboard now...