Heat in Fairing Pocket

... I figure the heat will eventually work itself through any insulation and into the pocket. I'm just delaying the process a bit.....

Correct. Insulation simply decreases the rate of heat transfer (it doesn't eliminate heat transfer). If insulated and ventilated, such as what jfheath has done, the pocket will effectively be at ambient temperature.
Here is a picture of my inner cowl. You can see the corner of the insulated pocket, silver insulation. I cut away the part of the cowl that would have been closest to the radiator. I left all attachment points on the inner cowl so that fairing integrity is still intact.


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Yes, that is ideal! Just make sure its the type that will withstand hi temps.

Phones are very sensitive to heat. Actually, anything with a battery is...I keep my cell in the right pocket and I keep the lid open unless its raining.

Is there a reason why the right pocket doesn't get as hot as the left? It seems like the only reason is it's not as deep.
Here is a picture of my inner cowl. You can see the corner of the insulated pocket, silver insulation. I cut away the part of the cowl that would have been closest to the radiator. I left all attachment points on the inner cowl so that fairing integrity is still intact.

Thanks for the picture. I will, for now, not do any cutting or drilling. I'll just keep the electronic stuff in the right pocket, since that's where the 12V outlet is, and also keep the lid slightly open. It'll have to do, for now.
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